No, however one character does discuss a new fad diet she is trying, talks about the weight she has lost, and is visibly proud when someone compliments how she looks.
No character is depicted as having D.I.D, however some aspects of the story could still be triggering to those sensitive to this type of misrepresentation, as it sometimes appears the story could go in that direction.
SPOILERS The main character is accused of being a murderer and it is implied she may just not remember committing the murders.
The murderer is a ghost who seems to have made a pact with another entity, but these scenes do use some of same tropes used in other horror films to depict D.I.D.
Physical abuse throughout, but it's a result of supernatural influence.
Slight spoilers: A mother slaps her child, accidentally burns her with a hot comb, and threatens her with an axe.
Towards the end of episode 8; in episode 9, two bodies are strung up by their feet; in episode 10, the hanging from episode 8 is picked up. Plus, from episode 4 onwards, strung-up dolls are hanging outside the Emorys' house.
A racist white man makes several sexual comments about a 14yr old black girl. He refers to her as being "grown" and "probably in heat". In the 8th episode and I think the 2nd? (It's when the all-men group are first discussing what to do about the new family that moved in)
Several actual shots, as well as pointing a gun at someone.
Spoilers off the top of my head: a cop is shot in the abdomen, a woman waves around a gun as a threat but does not shoot, a man keeps a gun trained on a child, a man points a gun at the father but doesn't shoot,
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