Death Battle is a web-based video show hosted by "Wizard" and "Boomstick" presented by ScrewAttack. The show pits two or more fictional characters from different medias such as movies, comics, manga, television programs, literature and video games, and create a simulated battle to the death. The characters are analyzed with their respective powers, strengths, and weaknesses, to determine a winner.
This tv show contains 4 potentially triggering events.
A canine like character named Treble merges with Bass near the climax of Eggman vs. Wily, who proceed to get destroyed by Metal Sonic. McGruff the Crime Dog, a anthropomorphic dog character, is crushed to death by Smokey the Bear in Smokey Bear VS McGruff the Crime Dog.
Koopa, Michelangelo, Raphael, Donatello, Zitz, Riptor, Felicia, Shadow, Pikachu, Bucky O'Hare, Venasaur, Charizard, Knuckles, Bowser, Daxter, Renamon, McGruff, Twilight Sparkle, Crash, Sonic, Leonardo, and Sabrewulf all die in their respective episodes. In the case of Leonardo, he dies in Leonardo vs. Red Ranger Jason, Charizard dies in both Pokemon Battle Royale and Pokemon vs Digimon, Shadow dies in both Vegeta vs. Shadow and Shadow vs. Mewtwo, Sonic dies in both the 2018 Mario vs. Sonic fight and Flash vs. Sonic.
Several fish are also eaten alive by sharks in Aquaman vs. Namor
Pretty much any episode where a female character loses could be considered this, given the entire purpose of the show is determining which fictional character would win in a fight.
An episode features Magneto fighting Tetsuo Shima from Akira, who is probably the poster boy for anime body horror. His depiction here is no exception.
By default every episode features a character dying, of particulate note are the ones where a heroic character dies against a villainous one. However, it's worth singling out Jonathan vs Tanjiro, which features a depressing ending in any context.
Pretty frequently. Some examples include the endings of Wolverine vs Raiden, Silver Samurai vs Shredder, Sub-Zero vs Glacius, TJ Combo vs Balrog and Sabrewulf vs Jon Talbain. Also happens in Dracula vs Ganon, although it doesn't stick.
Several losing characters are parents. This includes, but is not limited to Vergil, Ken Masters, Geese Howard, Jotaro Kujo, Bowser, Goku, Vegeta, Cable, Johnny Cage and Bayonetta.
Koopa, Michelangelo, Raphael, Donatello, Zitz, Riptor, Shadow, Pikachu, Bucky O'Hare, Venasaur, Charizard, Knuckles, Bowser, Daxter, Renamon, Twilight Sparkle, Crash, Sonic, and Leonardo all die in their respective episodes. In the case of Charizard, it dies in both Pokemon Battle Royale and Pokemon vs Digimon, Shadow dies in both Vegeta vs. Shadow and Shadow vs. Mewtwo, Sonic dies in both the 2018 Mario vs. Sonic fight and Flash vs. Sonic. Several fish are also eaten alive by sharks in Aquaman vs. Namor
Chun-Li is burnt to death in Chun-Li vs Mai Shiranui, Venasaur is burnt alive by Charizard in Pokemon Battle Royale, Ryu is incinerated at the end of Ryu vs. Scorpion, Ace is gruesomely burnt alive by Natsu in Ace vs. Natsu, and Geese Howard melts to death in lava at the end of Heihachi Mishima vs. Geese Howard.
Possession occurs briefly in Danny Phantom vs. American Dragon. The Mega Man Battle Royale also has what could be considered a "digital" equivalent of possession occur to one of the Mega Men.
Several mentally ill persons appear on the show as combatants. Carnage vs. Lucy and Joker vs. Sweet Tooth specifically focus on the mental states of the combatants.
Wonder Woman in Wonder Woman vs. Rogue, Ramona Flowers, Deadpool in Deadpool vs. Mask, Queen Maeve, and Ryuko Matoi all die in their respective episodes, though not due to their identity.