Kagome Higurashi is a modern day young girl who lives with her family by the old Higure shrine. Unbeknownst to Kagome, she is the reincarnation of priestess Kikyo and posseses the "Jewel of Four Souls" (the Shikon jewel). One ill-fated day, Kagome locates an ancient well near her home and is abruptly transported through the well and into a feudal Japan, inhabited by demons. There, she encounters Inuyasha, son of a powerful demon father and a human mother, who is pinned to a tree by an enchanted arrow.
This tv show contains 60 potentially triggering events.
There are wolves that attack the group several times in the series. A couple characters are wolf/dog/canine like demons who die. Some of them humanoid but others heavily dog looking. S4E20 has a pretty graphic wolf death
There is an episode where a young girl runs away after a man who has been watching her attempts to force himself on her, this is not shown she just mentions it.
There's a lot of stuff that is depicted as lighthearted between friends / romantic partners and laughed off that could be considered abusive. Miroku regularly fondles the rear end of Sango and at times Kagome. However they ultimately stay friends and Sango is shown to have romantic feelings towards him. Kagome frequently uses the beads of subjugation to knock down inuyasha/ cause him pain in arguments and this is played off as a humorous part of their friendship.
From season 4 episode 21 to season 5 episode 10 there is a gay male villain who plays a big role in the plot wearing feminine clothes. He is depicted in a sadistic and perverted way in a way that I think the audience is supposed to find funny or shocking.
Characters are shown to be traumatized and processing the impact of past trauma. There are scenes where Inuyasha sees a half demon being mistreated, and he has memories come up of being mistreated the same way as a child.
Technically no. However, there is a villain through a lot of season 4 and 5 who describes both being attracted to characters and wanting to injure them in battle. It's used for shock value and it could be interpreted that the character is into sadism.
Kagome has beads of subjugation used on her friend/ love interest Inuyasha but not in the context of BDSM.
Many family members are killed of both main and minor characters. Season 1 episode 24 involves a main character witnessing the deaths of family members and fellow villagers and would probably be the most triggering episode for this.
A character, Suikotsu, dissociates as part of his "split personality." There are characters who are possessed, controlled by other characters, and lose their memories.
The main villain of the show has different ways of watching or spying on the main group of characters from a distance. At times they know it is happening and at other times they don't.
Characters are shown to be traumatized and processing the impact of past trauma. There are scenes where Inuyasha sees a half demon being mistreated, and he has memories come up of being mistreated the same way as a child.
Technically most of the main characters are homeless throughout the show. However, this is in the context of them traveling to defeat villains. There is a character that repeatedly houses them between adventures and a lot of the time they are offered places to stay while traveling.
The cat demon that is part of the main cast is sad at different sad parts of the plot and makes a sad mewing noise. Different wolves / wolf demons are sad at different parts of the plot.
There are various questionable Mayfly December romances. Kagome is 15 during most of the show. The series depicts love interest Inuyasha as possibly having the maturity /appearance of a teenager or young adult. However in one of the movies he is established to be hundreds of years old. There is a sort of demon age vs human age discussion in the fandom that the show doesn't get into. It's also unclear how old humanoid wolf demon Koga is who asks to marry Kagome. An adult villain tries to marry Kagome against her will and is later defeated.
In episode 41 it's revealed that Miroku, an older teenager, had three years ago asked an 11 year old girl to bear his children. She is shown to be infatuated with him when they meet again. Koga at one point in a flashback says to a child wolf demon he will marry her in the future. It's established that he doesn't mean it seriously. She returns later appearing to be a teen or adult and thinks they are engaged.
Sesshomaru (humanoid dog demon) rescues a human child and she travels with him for the rest of the series. He appears and acts like an adult man and is hundreds of years old. In the sequel they get together and have kids.
S1E2 a girls skirt is lifted as she is cat called by a group of men. S2E1 at the end of the episode a women’s butt is groped. S2E14 a women recalls events of a man attempting to force himself on her before she knocks him out. S2E24 Sangos butt is groped. A demon rounds all the women in the village together and is about to attempt assault before the episode ends. S2E25 the demon eats the women souls but is shown in a way that may be triggering to sexual assault survivors. S3E2 Sangos butt is groped. S3E5 Sangos butt is groped. S3E9 two girls butts are groped. S3E23 Sangos butt is groped. S4E15 Mirokus butt is groped. S4E22 a man forces himself on Kagome and attempts to force her to marry him. S5E19 a man possess women to fall for him.
The main character has a body is made of demons and whose limbs turn into tentacles. Most of the time he is in human form however and the tentacles are more vine-like than anything. Personally I struggle with body horror and while some scenes are sort of gross I didn't find anything to be scary.
There is a lot of blood and characters becoming injured. However a lot of the violence during battle will be more abstract so it isn't as explicitly gory. For example, there will be a graphic of a slash mark on the screen followed by disintegrating blobs to show a demon is being ripped apart.
There are characters that are resurrected/undead but they look like regular people rather than zombies.
Arguable. Inuyasha is constantly in a love triangle with Kikiyo and Kagoma where one of the girls will catch Inuyasha hugging or flirting with the other
The character of Jakotsu was originally planned as female but was changed to male later so InuYasha wouldn't have to kill a woman. He is still voiced by a woman and dresses in traditionally feminine clothes. He is also a predatory sadist who flirts with his male victims while torturing them.
Different priceless artifacts are destroyed. Mostly this is in the context of them becoming tainted or being evil or it being for the greater good. A big focus of the plot involves collecting shards of a broken jewel artifact.
not mid-birth, but in 6x10 kagome's mom is shown holding her as a baby in a hospital bed, and in 6x11 another woman is shown just afterwards learning that her baby was stillborn
There are two significantly disabled characters in the show and both are shown to be extremely villainous with body horror components. One disabled villain character is tired of being extremely physically limited so he turns his body over to demons to become able bodied. However, he is shown to be evil before becoming disabled.
There are characters who are treated badly for being half demons in a way that parallels how disabled people can get treated in real life. The show is shown to not agree with this mistreatment and make social commentary against this sort of prejudice.
There are gay-coded men that are killed by Inuyasha. They aren't explicitly called gay, but they flirt with Inuyasha and he is appalled by it. Meant to be comedic :/
Kagome is 15 while Inuyasha is chronologically 200, though they are mentally the same age since demons age differently. Sesshomaru is supposedly chronologically 300+ and 18-19 mentally. For most of the series he travels with an extremely young girl, a child, and in the spin-off series sequel he marries her. However, said spin-off isn't technically canon.
in 1x11 a mask possesses a bus driver and drives the bus recklessly down the streets. I believe that they show a news broadcast which says that the casualties are unknown