Rotem is a teenage boy who lives in the kibbutz and feels like he doesn’t belong there. The main reason is that Rotem is also a Drag Queen known as Amelie. Rotem goes through a process with himself and his family – he has a unique story.
This movie contains 6 potentially triggering events.
a character uses an inhaler but she was not having an asthma attack beforehand, and characters gasp in a wheeze sort of way but nobody ever actually has their breathing restricted
a character says "id rather cook human meat" or something along those lines, its just the character being dramatic, there is no ongoing plot around this topic
mention of ghosts at one point but its obvious that its just amelie imagining a concept of whats going on, and by the end the narrator explicitly says "it wasnt a ghost"
at the start we see a timelapse of a pregnancy stomach growing and then also a baby who has genuinely just been born, but there is no waist down nudity, so you dont see the actual birth and there is no blood or 'audio gore'
definitely dont watch if this is a trigger, its frequent throughout the entire movie
(each scene with it in is relatively brief, but does include nudity from waist-up)
extremely minor blood in a particular sequence in black and white where amelie is paranoid over why someone was late. the character shes worried about is shown with a tiny bit of blood at his nose and such, but its black and white and brief!
we see guns in a black and white sequence where amelie is shown being overly paranoid, the person she's worried about has guns to his head but is not shot or anything and right after you see the character is completely fine in reality
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