Rev Preston Teagarden’s cousin Theodore is portrayed as being unable to walk and must be pushed in a wheelchair. Theodore is played by Pokey LaFarge, an American musician who has no trouble walking
Lenora is a teenager when she is sexually abused by the preacher. Another (un-named?) teenager is also sexually abused by the preacher. Alvin is slapped by his father.
A subplot of the movie is a preacher in his mid-20s(ish) having sex with young teenage girls (14). Only one scene may be triggering, which is the one where he takes Lenora to the woods for the first time. In that scene he grooms her, having her take off her blouse and kissing her neck and face in a gentle, loving way.
FROM marker 1 hr 3 min 30 seconds until 1 hr 6 mins 20 seconds, it is heavily implied that Lenora is to undress and be sexual with the new preacher Preston Teagardin in order to be saved.
Also from 1 hour 21 minutes until 1 hour 21 minutes 20 seconds, brief glimpse of male genital mutilation.
Within the first minutes of the film we see a man with a missing arm trying to enter a coffee shop. The people inside start screaming at him and won't allow him in, which is quite cruel on a human level. But that's it. We don't see an actual amputation taking place.
There is one scene where a photograph of a man who has been shot in the eye is shown briefly. Earlier in the film we see this character killed but we do not see the wound until another character finds the photograph later.
Whoever said yes wasn't watching the movie at all. The cop is a terrible person and the movie paints him as such. He is corrupt and violent and the movie makes a point of this. This movie is absolutely NOT copaganda.
The sister of Tom Holand’s character killed herself after having relations with a much older preacher. The preacher basically convinced her to end her life, after finding out that he got her pregnant.
The hanging: at about 1:27:00 the female character leaves her house and heads for a shed nearby. We see flashbacks of a dialogue between her and Robs character and it's pretty clear what she's about to do. If you don't want to see it, skip ahead to around 1:29:30
I don’t know what abled person replied no to this or why... There is a scene in the beginning where a man w an amputated arm is screamed at by patrons inside the shop and they don’t let him in. It is blatant ableism.
A very bloodied/skinned man is strung up on a cross. A dog is shown in a similar fashion. There's a bloodied suicide involving a knife. Many gunshot wounds/deaths, and a brief genital mutilation scene.