Charlie stalks the waitress throughout the whole show. It’s never scary for the viewer since Charlie is one of the protagonists but the things he does are objectively very creepy.
It may be comforting to know that the actors who play these two characters are married in real life.
Women are victims of violence from time to time but it is never “for spectacle” (and there is plenty of violence against the male characters too). It is always clear that the violence is wrong.
kind of, the main characters all had some kind of semi abusive childhood and are now all abusers towards the people in their life, dennis was raped as a teen (not shown just mentioned) and he later goes on to become a borderline rapist
There are a LOT of depictions of addiction. The whole gang is addicted to alcohol and begins to get sick if they don’t have any. Frank is Bill Ponderosa’s AA sponsor and they regularly do drugs together. Dennis and Dee get addicted to crack in two separate episodes (season 2 episode 3 and season 11 episode 2). Cricket is also addicted to drugs.
There are only two episodes featuring a horse. In the gang gets whacked part 2, Charlie suggests that the horse is being sexually abused. He and the audience have no reason to believe this is true. He later releases the horse into the city, and we never hear anything else about the animal.
Plans are made to kill a rabbit that are not followed through on. The plans are mildly graphic. When the rabbit is released it is caught and presumably eaten by a hawk
A dog is sad because it is being neglected by Mac and Dennis, but the dog is not shown much so it is not too sad for the viewer. However, Mac is later seen burying the dog which dies due to neglect.
The gang attempts to catch a rabbit to eat, but later chooses to release it. After releasing it the rabbit is caught by a hawk. There is no blood or gore but it is implied the rabbit will be eaten by the bird.
Edit: I said no but I now remember Multiple boxes of kittens set on fire and violently thrown in the air, those cats likely would have died.
OP: A car explodes with a cat in it but then the cat jumps out of the wreckage unharmed.
Frank becomes involved in a child beauty pageant in which one of the main organizers was “diddling kids”. It is later revealed that the child welfare “inspector” who has attended rehearsals throughout the episode is also a pedophile and he is arrested.
This episode could be very triggering considering the pedophilic nature of child beauty pageants and the multiple references to pedophiles.
A character frequently manipulates and coerces women into having sex with them. They talk about “the implication” of being trapped on a boat and not being able to say no to sexual advances. A main character assaults another main character off screen, and it is described in detail in Times Up for the Gang. In that episode a character calls their old secretaries and it’s heavily implied they assaulted/harassed them.
Other characters interpret a scene of a play to be a rape and therefore treat it as such, but they are under a blanket and the only thing indicating this is happening is one person saying no to whatever is happening while they are in-character
Dennis takes a dart to the palm of the hand. A small trickle of blood is shown after he removes it. He wraps the injury, and it is not mentioned again.
Frank hits Cricket with a trash can with a jagged edge, accidentally slashing his throat. Every subsequent episode with Cricket shows him with the scar.
Multiple people. The gang traps their thanksgiving guests in a burning apartment and seal the only door shut , one character is left badly scarred for the rest of series. Dennis starts a fake cult that leads to a man burning himself alive in self sacrifice, the gang again seals the others inside the burning apartment.
Charlie glues a “leprechaun” to the basement floor thus “catching him” then ties him to a chair and is about to pull a reservoir dogs when the gang walks in and stops him.
In making dennis a killer, dennis is under criminal investigation due to his ex wife falling from a rooftop and dying. a later episode i believe is called paddy’s has a jumper has a man on their roof attempting suicide, but he comes down safely in the end
A character is missing an eye, but the losing of the eye was off screen. He wears an eyepatch with an eye drawn on it. It is described that another character stabbed his eye, but then is revealed a bird pecked it out. Another character’s eye seems to have a cataract or something similar after having his face burned in a fire off screen. A main character attempts to give himself plastic surgery and his eye becomes red and swollen.
No ghosts, but the character’s have hallucinated that they were seeing ghosts a few times. Specifically in the Boggs episode and Charlie’s Home Alone, although it’s always specified they are hallucinations and not real ghosts
they don’t actually get around to eating it but they are convinced for most of the episode they have eaten human meat. they even go to the morgue to try it again but back out
Charlie’s face is shown while starts pooping. He doesn’t finish, and we don’t see anything other than his face. There is poop shown in the episode, however.
Every episode with Carmen contains the t-slur. In the gang solves the mortgage crisis, the t-slur is used twice in reference to a picture found in a book.
One running joke of the show is that the gang knows Mac is gay long before he acknowledges it, which is regularly brought up before he officially comes out in season 13. He isn’t “outed” per say since he does not yet identify as gay.
“Psycho Pete” is brought up in a few episodes and even has an episode of his own, in which there’s a rumor he was hospitalized for going mad and killing his whole family. We later learn he is not violent at all and was self-hospitalized to manage his depression and anxiety
In season 3 episode 9 the gang thinks Dee is dating an autistic person, throughout the episode they use the r slur and try to figure out if he is autistic or not. The r slur is used throughout the show.
The gang misremembering their pasts leads to them being stuck in false realities inside each other’s heads. The episode end hints that they never manage to make their way back to reality.
Main character Dennis is shown as having reoccurring body images in which he sometimes starves himself and gets weird treatments done in order to look more “beautiful”. Mac also deals with a lot of weight gain/weight loss throughout the series, like a LOT. And in the gang goes to therapy episode his body dysmorphia is discussed
In “The Gang Gets Held Hostage,” Frank and Charlie are crawling through the vents. In both parts of “The Gang Goes to Hell” (but particularly part 2), the gang is in “boat jail” which basically looks like a metal box with no windows and a locked door. The boat rocks/tips over and the door ends up on the ceiling, so they get stuck. Then the room starts to fill with water and they drown. SPOILER: they do not actually die. This scene could be very stressful to claustrophobic people. In “The Gang Goes to a Water Park”, several people get stuck in a water slide.
A character is described as not eating enough for their physique. Another character mentions fasting for a week so they can look gaunt. Characters binge on food once in a while.
A main character’s grandfather was a nazi, and there are videos of them as children unknowingly giving the nazi salute. Someone puts on an old nazi uniform, but it seems it was not malicious. There are arguments about whether calling someone a jew instead of jewish is antisemetic. A character is referred to as a “jew lawyer”.
In the first seasons a trans woman is called a “dude” and he/him. A cis character dates her and tries to keep it secret, and is later teased for being in a relationship with her. In Mac Fights Gay Marriage someone says the trans woman’s marriage to a man is gay. The trans woman is asked insensitive and invasive questions by a couple characters.
The gang is constantly shown being racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc against various minority groups. Minorities are not misrepresented by the show itself, only by the characters who are intended to be bad people - the joke is how wrong the characters are in their assumptions.
(Example: Frank assumes someone gets in a car accident because they are Asian, but it is shown that the car accident was his fault and he is only being racist)
A family of minor characters are shown to have incestuous relations and are the product of generations of incest. In Who Got Dee Pregnant episode a brother is led to believe he accidentally hooked up with his sister, but that’s later shown to be untrue.
To add to the above, there is an anti-abortion rally, but those ideas are not being promoted. It’s more about the gang being insensitive and using the rally as a way to pick up women. Dee expresses that she’s pro-choice. So I would say no, the themes are at the very least neutral.
Multiple fake Santas are in the Christmas episode, some looking obviously fake to everyone but a very young Charlie. A mall Santa later briefly speaks out of character, before another character attacks him.
In “The Gang Goes to Hell, Part 2” when the boat tips over and the “boat jail” room starts to fill with water and they drown. SPOILER: they do not actually die.
In another episode, a dog dies due to forgetting to feed it.