Self-proclaimed business expert, writer, director and comedian Nathan Fielder helps real small businesses turn a profit with marketing tactics that no ordinary consultant would dare to attempt. From driving foot traffic to an off-the-strip souvenir shop by using Hollywood flair and a Johnny Depp impersonator, to creating a rebate that can only be redeemed by climbing a mountain, to founding a coffee shop called "Dumb Starbucks,” Nathan has always gone to the limit to make his ideas come to life. With his unorthodox approach to problem solving, Nathan’s genuine efforts to do good often draw the real people he encounters into an experience far beyond what they signed up for.
This tv show contains 1 potentially triggering events.
A short segment features Nathan sending a child a video of his pet dog, voiced over to tell the child that the dog is now in heaven. No onscreen animal deaths.
Sexual jokes and innuendo throughout the show. In one episode, Nathan invents a soundproof box for a child to sit in so that the child’s parents can have sex in the same hotel room. In order to test the box, he hires seven porn actors to have an orgy next to it while a child is inside. The orgy is seen and heard, but the actors’ private parts are blurred. Another episode focuses on ‘the world’s first asexual computer repair service’, with Nathan explaining that non-asexual computer repair people would be tempted to look at customers’ nude photos.
Some episodes involve Nathan and his camera crew secretly following or filming people. ‘The Hero’ in particular has Nathan follow a man before covertly taking a digital scan of his face in order to 3D-print a mask of him and take over his life. In another episode, he hires a private investigator to keep track of the business owner he’s working with. ‘Finding Frances’ follows Nathan and an elderly man as they track down the man’s first love, while Nathan questions his intentions, asking him if he’s a stalker.
In the ‘Ghost Realtor’ episode, Nathan advises an estate agent that she will sell more homes if she can assure the buyers that they are ‘ghost-free’. He then hires a medium, who claims that there is an evil spirit in the house the realtor is trying to sell. An exorcism takes place.
In the ‘Ghost Realtor’ episode, the realtor becomes convinced that her back pain is due to possession by evil spirits. She has an exorcism performed on her, during which she cries, shakes and claims that the spirits are being driven out.