The main character suffered emotional neglect from her parents, particularly her mother. The worst part of this is [SPOILERS] her mother telling her how she drugged her as a baby to stop her from crying.
The main character abuses many psychiatric drugs in order to sleep excessively. If this triggers you I would recommend skipping this book as that is pretty much the plot.
The main character is an orphan and her parents' deaths are described, particularly for one parent. There is also a side character who has a parent die.
The book ends with the narrator describing watching one of her friends fall to her death from the Twin Towers. You can kind of see this being set up throughout the book (the friend gets a job at the Twin Towers), but we don't see 9/11 happen until the final chapter of the book.
the protagonists best friend is bulimic. in addition, the protagonist drops a bunch of weight bc she’s sleeping all the time and thus not eating a whole lot