Superjail! is an American animated television series produced by Augenblick Studios the first season and Titmouse, Inc. the second and third season. The series follows the events that take place in an unusual prison. The pilot episode aired on television on May 13, 2007, and its first season began on September 28, 2008. Superjail! is characterized by its psychedelic shifts in setting and plot and extreme graphic violence, which give the series a TV-MA-V rating. These elements are depicted through highly elaborate animated sequences, which have been described as "baroque and complicated and hard to take in at a single viewing". A fourth season was confirmed on David Wain's Twitter.
This tv show contains 74 potentially triggering events.
In the budding of warbuxx. In the 1950 anti cannibas movie. The man who is weed wacked raises the women's dress so he can r her
The r* happens off screen, and the inmate makes remarks about it.
Also while the show has less to none r scenes. Some of these men are serial R*ists and there are instance of r* and prison humor.
Mr Grumpy pants has the cancer patient dies in the end of the episode
Combaticus ending is also sad
Franco's death in season 2 grand prix episode
Also the show's ending isn't a major ending.
In the episode Vacation
After the end of the credits, while on the cigarette island, which is real despite Lord Stingray lying about it, a lost Jailbot activites and runs, presumbly on his way to Superjail to find the staff
During the ball, the ladies are bit by flies that The Twins had set loose, causing them to become aroused (for some reason??), and they start to assault the men. It's pretty crazy to the point I can't even describe it properly
The Warden is assaulted offscreen by The Mistress, and this is played off as a joke, making it seem like he wanted it in the end. This could be really upsetting for people.
(It was upsetting for me)
There's several shower scenes. Also the comment above me confused me a little,, there was r* happening offscreen in one of them I think?
"You know I forbid mind-cheating!"
"How can you not stare at a shower r*?"
I don't remember the episode this happens in sadly.
Alice, a trans woman who became the queen of a tribe due to some prophecy, is outed when Jared decides to "show [the tribe] who's a dude" by biting on Alice's skirt, and ripping it off, showing her pecker to everyone, including the tribe.
Warden attempted sucide after Alice crippled him in special needs
Jared attempted to hang himself after he believed frankenstein "Charise" cheated on him.
The whole of point of the show.
Many crazy stuff happen in the show
One episode involve everyone got frozen with no hint of being freed or not.
One episode involve an epic surreal fight scene on a dream. And its live action ending.
The end of S1 finale involve a massive fight scene that tear the fabric of reality. And ending is basically repeats the events of first two parter.
Episode Ghosts involved the surreal ending of everyone is alice by hindu god.
There is more but the show is unhinged and unstable and surreal in so many levels