A dystopian world where there are no women and all living creatures can hear each others' thoughts in a stream of images, words, and sounds called Noise.
This movie contains 32 potentially triggering events.
The main character’s horse and his pet dog die. He has to use a knife to end the suffering of his horse after it breaks its leg. It is disturbing, as the leg is shown and the horse is crying. A couple of horses also die in the fray. One falls off a cliff into the rapids. His dog is murdered by an antagonist in the rapids as well, it is held underwater until it drowns.
A horse's leg is broken and you see blood, but it's not excessive. It may bother some who don't like to see animals hurt or dislike seeing injuries like that. It's near the beginning of the movie.
Biological mother was murdered prior to current events, we see adoptive parent(s) killed, and the biological father was also dead prior to current events of the film.
Todd says "He's a she" when he first meets Viola not because she is transgender but because he has never met a woman and is forced to believe she is a man at first glance due to the society they live in