Several discussions about abortion (i.e., Dr House attempting to convince patients to terminate their pregnancies and arguing about whether it’s “murder”)
It isn't a too prevalent theme, but there are a few times when it can be a major trigger for some people, especially with discussions and actions regarding the possibility of afterlife in S4E3.
Trachiectomies are often performed, but in a medical setting. If I remember correctly, this never causes permanent damage, but could still be triggering for some.
Vague spoilers: it is implied that House's father was abusive towards him. Whether you can attribute all of House's abusive actions to that is debatable, but it's something to be aware of
Parents are often accused of abusing their kids.
A teen is abused by her drug addicted mother (S8, E10), but nothing is shown.
A dad is very intensely accused of abusing his children, and some bloody clothes are shown, but it is proved false (S3, E19).
Chase was abused by his alcoholic mother. It is talked about throughout the series but not in detail.
House was abused by his father. It is talked about throughout the series but not in detail.
House uses Vicodin, some patients use alcohol, marijuana, Vicodin, heroin, or cocaine.
Cameron is once observed taking crystal meth, and Thirteen takes drugs at one point.
Drug use is prevalent throughout the show.
If drugs or addiction is a problem for you, I wouldn't watch the show.
House is addicted to Vicodin (Hydrocodone with Acetaminophen) throughout the series. He is often observed taking the pills.
There are a few other addicted patients, but if you can't handle addiction, I wouldn't watch the show.
While House is typically accused of being a drug addict, he is also an alcoholic. He is often observed drinking Scotch at bars, his own apartment, and work.
S5, E4, Birthmarks, the patient is an alcoholic.
S5, E15, Unfaithful, the patient is accused of being an alcoholic.
There are several others, but these are the most notable in my memory.
I'd avoid the show if people chronically using alcohol is an issue for you.
Dog dies in 97 Seconds due to drug intake.
Lab rats die and are shown being experimented on in a few episodes (Euphoria Part 2, Informed Consent, The Fix).
A dead cat is experimented on in Detox.
Steve McQueen is House's rat, which House does really care for. Unfortunately, House does end up having to use Steve for an experiment, which involves killing him. Not necessarily abuse, but could be seen as mistreatment. (Euphoria Part 2, season 2, episode 21)
Swarms of bugs occur in Detox (S1, E11), Dying Changes Everything (S5, E1), and Massage Therapy (S7, E4).
Mild bugs every so often throughout the show.
Throughout the show, psychotic patients are restrained by staff.
In S2, E24, No Reason, House is restrained to his bed.
In S6, E1, Broken, House is restrained to his bed.
In S7, E22, After Hours, the patient is handcuffed to her bed.
There might be a few others.
House shaves his face a few times. Most notable is S5, E16, The Softer Side, where he shaves his face in his bathroom.
As for cutting, some patients do self harm, but none are shown in the act, and no bloody or bleeding cuts are shown (some are shown scabbed or fully healed).
A main character cuts themself in S3, E10, Merry Little Christmas. The cutting is not shown, but the cuts are shown while bloody or bleeding.
A main character comes very close in the last episode of S8, and it is implied that their cause of death is burning alive, but it is later proved false.
In S3, E11, Words and Deeds, a firefighter presents with skin grafts due to being burnt in the past.
Nobody dies from it.
I don't remember any episodes where teeth are chipped, broken, or damaged, but some teeth do fall out or are stained.
Teeth falling out occurs in S8, E14 Love Is Blind.
Many tests are performed on eyes, some of which show needles being placed into the eyes. There is no blood, and it is all performed in a surgical setting with no lasting trauma to the eye.
In S2, E24, No Reason, the patients eye pops out. It's really gross.
This one is debatable.
It is a medical show, so surgery and surgical wounds are prevalent. If that bothers you, this show is definitely not your thing.
Sometimes patients present with open wounds, which can get pretty gory.
TLDR, if you can handle surgical scenes and mild gore, the show should be ok. If blood freaks you out, not the show for you.
s6e16 "Lockdown": the hospital is put on lockdown as an infant is missing. it is a major plot throughout the episode. in the end, the baby is found safe and was taken by accident and without malicious intent
A teenage model is extremely sexualized. Another teenage girl stalks Dr. House because some fungi pores in her brain make her attracted to him, and there are many sexualized shots of her. Dr House is pretty known for having the worst bedside manner on earth, and treats various minors where he asks them about their sexual health rather crudely. (Pregnant 12-year-old, a teenager trying to get birth control, and various others)
House overdoses on pills and other medications throughout the show, other patients overdose as well.
If overdose or drugging is a problem, I'd skip the show or watch with caution.
There's a few, but I can't remember which episodes.
One time, Cuddy showered a young patient off who was overheating.
House is shown several times taking baths to help with his leg, and once he takes a bath with his girlfriend.
Vomiting is very prevalent throughout house, however there is a helpful guide I found (I thought I had found it here, but it doesn't seem to be here anymore).
This lists all the timestamps where someone vomits or coughs up liquid.
In S3, E6, Que Sera Sera, the patient's fart is what signifies that he is still alive.
In S8, E18, Body and Soul, Park farts in the elevator.
There is lots of spitting and coughing up fluids in the show.
Cancer is often included in the DDX, and some patients do have cancer.
A main character is diagnosed with cancer at the end of the show. They do not die from it, but it is implied that they do at the end of the show.
in Season 1 episode 14 we find out the patient self harmed and wounds are shown
in Season 3 episode 10 House himself self harms by cutting to deal with withdrawal, Dr Cameron finds him and bandages his wounds
Patients frequently experience psychosis which causes them to punch, choke, or stab doctors.
This is a big deal in S8, E11, Nobody's Fault, when a patient's psychosis causes a near fatal stabbing.
Yes, there was an episode with that one autistic kid with the worms and i guess he was at least a little bit abused (or mishandled) by his parents because of his autism. This includes things like screaming at him, making him do things he doesn't want to etc.
A main character commits suicide in S5, E20, Simple Explanation.
Their body is not shown, but their blood is. Their body is discovered by 2 other characters. I'd skip this one if that's not something you can handle.
Medical show, lots of babies being born and cared for.
At one point, during surgery, a main character is on the phone and their baby starts crying incessantly.
S1 E10, Histories. The intro has INTENSE flashing lights.
S5, E22, House Divided. During the bachelor party, there are some flashing lights.
There are also some seizure tests performed which involve flashing lights.
If you have photosensitive epilepsy, I'd do more research.
House refers to himself and other disabled people with the c-word all the time. There are many prejudices towards disabled characters, whether that comes from the characters or the showmakers isn't clear. The value of disabled lives is often questioned, almost always by a led characters.
House is a jerk to everyone, including Jewish people.
Since Taub is a main character who is Jewish, antisemitism does come up.
I believe Cuddy and Wilson are also Jewish, if my memory serves me correctly. Most antisemitic comments are focused on Taub's nose.
One episode centres around a teenaged patient who initiated sex with her father. Another episode involves two patients who are unwittingly engaged in a relationship, not knowing they’re half siblings. There are various other minor examples.
House has sexual relationships with his girlfriends and his wife, and lots of hookers.
Chase has tons of sex with women.
Thirteen has some sexual relationships, as does Foreman, Taub, Cameron, and even Park.