A character talks about killings “werewolf” that turned back into his neighbors dog when he killed it. That same character also says he helps at the shelter by putting down a lot of pets.
*SPOILER ALERT* In the last episode of the series, Ryan attends a wedding with his baby. After hitting it off again with Kelly, Ryan leaves the baby in someone else’s care before fleeing the reception with her. It should be noted that another character ends up adopting the baby.
The first episode of season 7, 'nepotism' , Michael's nephew is volunteering there, but eventually Michael uses spankings as a punishment for him being rude to others
It’s implied throughout the series that Meredith is an alcoholic. In S5E11, she is shown drinking too much at an office Christmas party and Michael (unsuccessfully) attempts to check her into a rehabilitation center.
A bird flies into the window in season 3, even though you don’t see it happen they show a shot of the bird later and have a funeral for it. It is also implied that a character kills a bat. Also, one of the main characters talks about killing animals on his farm a lot. A cat is said to be very sick and when somebody checks on it he puts her to sleep and puts her in the freezer, but she throws the pills up and freezes to death (none of this is shown).
Dwight attempts to mercifully put Angela's cat out of their misery. The plan proceeds to blow up in his face with the animal suffering in Angela's freezer.
9x19 Dwight shoots Stanley with bull tranquilizers to get him to go on a sales call. Later Stanley stabs himself with the dart so he doesn't have to walk up the stairs
Oh boy.
Michael sexually harasses the majority of the women in the workspace, and a few men. Dwight gropes Angela. Todd Packard sexually harasses and assaults almost everyone in the office, even dry-humping Michael when he doesn't notice. Michael kisses Oscar without his consent. Cathy tries to coerce Jim into sex which makes him visibly uncomfortable. Meredith sexually harasses Jim and even forces him to sign a cast located on her crotch. Angela makes remarks regarding Pam's sex life. Jan rapes Michael. Phyllis is flashed by a stranger in the parking lot. Michael takes a photograph of a drunken Meredith's bare chest. Phyllis "pleasures" herself in public while listening to an audiobook.
In season 6, episode 6 Kevin and Oscar talk about jail and Kevin says "I wouldn't last in jail, I'm not like you "..." oh you don't know about jail, you would love jail" the joke implication being that Oscar is gay
In between season 6 and 7, there's a scene where Will Ferrell's character and Michael proceeds to have themselves shaved by a professional and the new secretary as they compose an office meeting while being shaved.
In passing Dwight eludes to some of his family members being buried alive. Henceforth his family adopted the tradition to ensure before burial that their dead were in fact dead.
The office hosts a haunted house for kids during which Michael pretends to hang himself. It’s the version I found on Vudu. It’s not a real hanging but it can be very triggering.
In S6-E4, Andy injures his genitals while in a dance battle with Kelly. Forcing Pam to take him to the ER the night before her wedding with remarks made at Andy's expense later on.
s6e5, when they do the dance sequence, NOTHING HAPPENS but dwight kicks a girl in the face. she holds her mouth, but we see pretty clearly that she is fine. again, NOTHING HAPPENED but it scared me so i wanted to share
When Pam leaves to go off to college for a short stint of time. Just before she drives out of the parking lot, Michael rushes to see her off. Falling down two sets of desperate stairs. It's comedically played down and does not show any alarming injuries afterward. Just an unfurled button-down.
In S9E20, Andy takes on an acting job for a lab safety video. In one scene, he has to use an eye wash station, but is apprehensive since he has an aversion towards anything being shot into his eyes. Not gory at all, but I felt this should be mentioned.
In Cici's christening episode, Jim believes Angela to be stealing his baby amid some confusion and a brief struggle occurs when Jim shouts that she has his baby. The matter is quickly resolved with one of the mother's having the child.
There are some comments that Micheal makes of Stanley’s daughter being attractive while she’s a minor. He says he likes staring at a picture of her but this is before he knows she’s a minor. All instances of this are played off as jokes
A character cheats on her fiancé. Michael Scott also has an affair with a married woman. There is an implied relationship between a main character’s girlfriend and her secretary. A girl makes out with someone while she is in a relationship with someone else. A husband of female character turns out to be gay and has multiple affairs. In the last season, an argument between a couple over the phone ends with her getting a hug from someone that is not her husband and it is debatable if they had feelings for each other. A character tries to get someone to cheat on his wife. I’m probably missing some examples.
S6 e4 “Niagara” (or “Niagara Part 1”)- the entire beginning of the episode before opening credit is people talking about and very visibly and audibly v*******!!!! BEWARE! This is a huge trigger!!
S6 e10 “Murder”: around 4:20 you hear clear loud noises from the office men’s restroom. Afterwards, Kevin asks Michael if he t**** u* to which Michael replies no. Kevin then comments that it smells like t**** u*. This scene happens suddenly and should end around 4:34.
S6 e18 “The Delivery Part 2”: At the end of the episode, Michael is in his office smoking a cigar. He takes it out of his mouth and tells the camera he thinks he’s going to be s***. He leans to the side but never does anything. Cuts to next scene. Safe.
In S3-E16 Michael makes a remark halfway through the episode lamenting his only other experience at weddings. The previous venture involves him as the ring bearer visibly soiling himself and exclaiming "I hate you!" Before storming off, ending the footage with a joke regarding his replacement. A dog that would go on to pee on everything without repercussion.
Pretty early in the show, its the entire plot of the episode & michael forces oscar to kiss him but it ends with oscar getting a bunch of stuff from dunder mifflim so he won’t sue
In one of the early Christmas episodes, Meredith lights her hair on fire. Spawning an immediate intervention from most of the office. Later diverging into Michael tricking Meredith into going to rehab where he attempts to admit her against her will. A significant commotion and distress occur near the end of the episode.
In S3E20, Michael tries to “demonstrate” depression and fakes a s*icide attempt by convincing the workforce that he will jump off the top of the building. (This is done in an attempt to raise awareness of mental illness/part of office safety training.)
The episodes Weight Loss have a lot of mentions of not eating specifically for a certain body type. Kelly makes quick remarks throughout the series about her size and body in a negative light.
In S7-E3 Aaron brings little Cici to Andy's premiere of Sweeney Todd. When Michael loses grip of his balloons, they proceed to float into the rafters and combust upon impact. Scaring the toddler and cashing them to cry out for a lengthy moment.
Flashing lights in the episode where Andy, Darryl and Dwight go to roller skate, if anyone can add the specific episode and timestamps for epileptic viewers that'd be great
The main characters are followed by a documentary crew but are unaware to the extent of which they are watched/recorded until the trailer for the doc airs.
Fourth wall breaking was only introduced in the final two seasons when the writers were willing to relinquish some of the rules that governed the mockumentary form of filming they've adhered for a majority of the show.
The word “queer” is used as an insult a few times throughout the show; notably by Micheal, Daryl, and Packer. The word “transvesite” is also used by Micheal towards Gabe.
There are instances in various Halloween episodes where Michael makes snide remarks towards Oscar and his costume choice. Along with Gabe for his costume choice one year also.
Throughout the show many characters make very offensive jokes. S1E2 is probably the worst as it has the most instances of this. It’s mostly played for jokes
Angela's character is seen as very religious, and in 'the christening' Cece gets baptized which is set in a church setting with religious music playing
In at least one episode the office debates over the validity of an actress discerning if she's attractive or not. There are other snippets throughout the show where Pam is made to feel uncomfortable by a majority of the men in the office on numerous occasions.
In one of the extended cuts Ryan and Kelly are searching the dumpster for Kelly's gift before moving on to having intercourse inside the dumpster with Kelly very audibly making it clear what's happening.
In the episode 'garage sale' it is implied both of
Holly's parents suffer from dementia and earlier in
the show dementia gets used for laughs in 'Phyllis's
wedding' when one of Phyllis's relatives has
dementia and walks onto a busy road (doesn't become injured) but it's very insensitive
In the episode where Michael grills his foot on a George Foreman Griddle, Dwight races off to rescue him. Before leaving the lot, Dwight collides with the nearby phone pole and suffers from a concussion for the duration of the episode.
In one of the early seasons, a cold open has Michael monologuing about where he's at in life. While narrating he pulls into the parking lot and suddenly strikes Meredith with her careening into the windshield in full view. It's unexpected and mildly alarming upon first viewing.
Discharge of guns, but no on-screen instances of live people being shot including:
many mentions of guns
[Season 7, Episode 23] Dwight fires a gun in short range at a wall
[Season 9, Episode 17]: Dwight fires a gun at a filled coffin in the ground
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