The infection makes people act violently, so it's safe to say some parents turned violent on their kids, although we never see it on screen. There are however some abandoned babies near the end of the movie.
There's a scene were Kat is forced to strip and shower by a doctor that saves her, and she tells him to look away, but he watches her through a reflective piece of metal without her knowing.
The virus makes people commit horrific acts of violence, but it doesn't actually mess with the brain so they're fully aware of what they're doing, the urge to commit these horrific acts is just too strong for them to stop. And it's mentioned that it effects part of your brain. So it could definitely be considered a mental illness.
At the very end of the movie, Kats boyfriend gets infected and she's able to have a final convention with him through a metal gate. After he talked about wanting to do some pretty disturbing stuff to her, she gets up and leaves without either one telling the other goodbye.
Molly starts clinging to Kat and crying while chaos ensues on the train they're on. Molly also collapses while running from the hord of infected from the train and starts crying saying she "can't do this" and insists on Kat leaving her behind.
There's a lot of scenes where women are raped, or just have overall horrible things done to them. **DESCRIBING AN EXTREMELY GRAPHIC SCENE**
There's a scene in the hospital were one of the infected rapes a woman in a wheelchair using a wound in her eye socket.
It’s mentioned multiple times, but only in short, non-explicit lines. There is an single onscreen incident, albeit indirect: one scene where multiple preteen boys are torturing a tied-up man for fun, then the man reveals he’s consenting to and sexually enjoying the torture.
There's one scene were a group of infected boys is mutilating a mans genitals while laughing and joking as they do progressively worse stuff. There's also a part at the beginning where and infected man talks about cutting off all the mens genitals and "feeding them to the dogs."
There's a scene where a guy being held down by a group of infected has his arm outstretched across a set of concrete stairs. One of them stomps on it, breaking his arm in multiple places.
A young woman who has been attacked on a subway starts hyperventilating on the way to seek help and says she can't breathe. There are also scenes of people being manually strangled.
An infected person pours boiling oil from a fryer onto a person. As their skin is bubbling and boiling the infected person rips their skin off. This could and should be considered “burning alive”. Very graphic.
Another scene someone describes a scenario off screen where a child is lit on fire.
A scene where a woman is pinned to the ground in a hospital by other zombies that have invaded the hospital, Her surgical mask as well as her top are violently ripped off/open while another zombie graphically saws her limbs off with a bone saw that was in her own bag.
There are multiple eye gouging scenes involving implements (like the umbrella) and human hands/fingers. **GRAPHIC SPOILER** There is a scene around the 1 hour mark where an infected person commits r*pe on a victim's eye socket.
A man says that if left unattended that babies would be sexually assaulted due to the effects of the virus. The appearance of a child or anything else specific is not commented on.
It's heavily implied with almost everyone being infected or dead, and the abandoned babies in the hospital, but we never see anyone explicitly said to be a parent die on screen.
Gagging happens around the 40-41 minute mark when a man is driving and he sees a large group of dead bodies. At 1:29:00 one of the infected vomits after grabbing the leg of a man laying on the floor.
The physical and sexual violence is committed by people infected with a virus attacking the limbic system of the brain.
Other instances of violence are in self defense.
There is a scene where the main character goes to throw away her infected clothes and hears a baby crying in the disposal bin. The baby continues to cry as a man kills it offscreen (the baby is infected with the virus).
In addition to flickering lights throughout the movie, there's a portion when the credits begin to roll where there is jarring red and white strobe effects
There's a lot of nude scenes throughout, most being either rape or infected touching themselves. There's one where multiple infected are having an orgy as well.
Repeated sexual assaults and rapes while many of the infected people make misogynistic remarks to the non infected woman. Repeated Cat calling from The Businessman to the female lead Kat. Before the Businessman was infected he makes repeated remarks about how he is attracted to Kat and even try's to touch her on the train till she puts him in his place, its only after he is infected that he peruses Kat even further by saying and making lewd gestures to her with his tongue through a mail slot.
The Sadness claims to be the most violent, depraved, and graphic film ever made viewer discretion is advised.
Geysers of Blood, Faces peeled off, limbs hacked and sawed off, organs pulled out of bodies, eye mutilation, cannibalism, and skin shredding are just the beginning.
There's a scene in the beginning were an infected police officer fires his gun at one of the main characters as he tries to get away from a group of infected. There's another when the infected raid the hospital and an officer fires their gun.
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