There aren't any actual dogs that are primarily focused on, but King, one of the main characters, heavily resembles a dog-like creature. He does not die, but is occasionally harmed.
In Yesterday's Lie (mid season 2) Luz and Camila part and they don't technically say goodbye at the end of the episode.
In Thanks to Them (3x01), a palisman dies and doesn't get to say goodbye to their owner as they revive them. At the end of the episode.
The main character is not abandoned by her mother but is sent to a camp to make her “normal.” Not necessarily abandonment but thought I should mention it.
Odalia abuses her children, forces them all to be perfect, made Amity break off her friendship with Willow, and only sees them as business pawns. Alador is passive to the abuse, but he improves his behavior and his kids all genuinely love him by the end of the show, while Odalia stays evil.
Characters are often stalked and tracked by members of the Emperor's Coven. A character is told in S2 EP18 that someone who's psychologically abused them in the past has sent out search parties for them, and that character has a panic attack afterwards.
Spoilers for Season 2 especially!
It's implied in some scenes that Hunter might've been abused by Belos, who is some sort of parental figure to him (up until ”Hollow Mind”, Belos presented himself as his uncle). Besides some remarks made by Hunter and his fear of failing to complete an order given by Belos, one notable scene is in the episode ”Any Sport in a Storm”, where Darius raises his hand and Hunter tenses, only for Darius to pat his head. Another example is in ”Hunting Palismen”, where Belos' ”curse” acts up and Hunter looks away, OR when, in the same scene, Belos nearly cuts Hunter's face, were he not to move his head a bit to the left. And even then, he manages to cut very small strands of hair.
Another sequence is in ”Hollow Mind”, where Hunter flinches when Belos twirls his loose strand of hair.
There's a planned public execution that ends up not taking place, but the the woman is in a cage and planned to be turned into a statue, killing her. This is well attended and televised.
Amity is abused and manipulated by her mother, and spends the first half of season one as a bully. She eventually overcomes this and becomes an integral part of the main cast.
Not with a belt specifically, but a character is implied to have taken beatings with a whip-like object (it’s like a tendril-monster-goop thingy but really sharp) from his uncle. (Evidence at the second throne room scene at S2E6)
It is heavily implied that Amity's parents are abusive, in the brief glimpses of her childhood we see. She is forced to end her friendship with Willow, because her parents threaten to ruin Willow's chances of getting into Hexside (a school for magic).
Sort of. There are fictional substances that are analogous to real-world drugs. S2E08 features a sleep-inducing powder that also acts like ketamine, and many episodes include references to "apple blood" which is talked about like alcohol and at one point shown served in a bar.
A main character, Eda, drinks "Apple Blood" frequently. This could represent coffee, as she drinks it every morning and is able to cut it from her diet easily, but in season two, she's shown in a place that looks similar to a bar, while drinking apple blood to cope with something upsetting. Either way, she doesn't appear drunk. The closest we get is Luz, the main character, off-handedly mentioning that after drinking too much apple blood, they once had to get Eda off the roof, though that could be Eda's eccentricity combined with caffeine.
The owl house is sentient and often abused by ignoring, belittling, punching his walls and even slamming his doors. A bug monster and owl monster are tied up and tazed by demon hunters/“animal control”, a group of abused Palismans (familiars) run away to the woods to live with Bat Queen some have extensive scarring or visible damage, Owlbert runs away to these woods after being hurt (a crack forms on his head) and misused before the abuser makes it up to him. S1E16 Amity beats Hooty up and a snaggleback is forced to be a disco ball after complaining they feel nauseous and their arms are tired and aren’t helped down. S2E8 Eda is trapped while in half owl form and Eda excepts the owl side of her instead of fighting it and causing it pain
Adding onto the other comment, in episode 1 there’s a real griffin breathing spiders, episode 10 the Bat Queen summons a spider-cow mix, and in the short “Welcome to Hexside” pink spiders are summmoned by Principal Bump and crawl over Mattholomule
in s2ep11, a character's drink is spiked with a substance meant to erase their memory. in s2ep8, a character is given food laced with sleeping medication, in a misguided attempt the help her. in some other episodes, characters are given inhalants to put them to sleep.
Eda, a main character, is shown shaving her. She doesn't hurt herself, though, and if you want to avoid it, just skip ahead 20 seconds after the theme song in the episode "Keeping Up A-fear-ances" (Season 2 Episode 4).
Several characters can safely remove their hands and reattach them in a very cartoonish way. During the Season 2 finale, many characters have a magical reaction to tattoos they have that spread colored lines from their hands up to their faces, which is clearly painful. A character loses an arm at the end of Season 2.
Eda is able to remove limbs due to her curse, and it features in quite a few episodes, though none as severely as the first one. It's very cartoon-ish and she can fix it herself.
Briefly in episode 9 “something ventured someone framed” when Gus is showing Luz the illusion classroom, the character with orange hair messes up a spell and removes their facial features, making it so they couldn’t breath, this is brief and fixed by the teacher quickly
eda is briefly decapitated but with no gore at all + it is played off as a joke as she is perfectly fine (she is able to remove limbs at will due to her curse) :)
Not the same species, but sentient creatures are canonically often eaten in the show's setting. On-screen, we see a character eat a sapient octopus demon whole. We see fairies baked into a pie, but they do not get eaten on-screen.
Emperor Belos, the man antagonist of the series, has a condition that causes him to turn into what is essentially a gooey rotting corpse. It's not bloody or super gory on accounts of the art style, but it's still pretty horrifying and not fun to look at.
there are plants called "sleeping nettles" that are used to forcibly put someone to sleep. also, in the third episode, a character over-exerts herself and passes out.
In s2 e18 Labyrinth Runners, Hunter asks if he's looking at real steps or illusion steps, takes a step of faith and falls down stairs. He then says "Real steps." while sounding in pain, it has no lasting damage as he appears fine in the next shot.
One animal character bleeds bright green after being badly injured. A human character is punched and has blood on their nose afterwards. A bloody knife is shown. Green goo is shown on and around people often, including coming out of a cut, coming out of their eyes like tears, and spread across their face and neck.
There's only one time where a character sacrifices themself and dies, Season 3 episode 1
There's also several scenes where a character tries to sacrifice themselves: the last 2 episodes of season 1, Season 2 Episode 7, Season 2 episode 19, and Season 2 episode 21.
no r word, but the word “half-a-witch” is used in a derogatory way to refer to witches with little or no magic or who develop magic late, and at times that still makes me a bit uncomfortable as if it’s approaching a magical equivalent of the word especially in season 3 episode 2
In¨Adventure in the Elements¨ King brings to life a bunch of toys only for them to rebel, kick King out of the owl house, and later having King convince Hooty to destroy the toys.
Not sure if it counts as a ghost, but in S2E16 there is a creepy humanoid looking figure that follows the main characters around which is later revealed to be an amalgamation of palisman souls
Ocean prominent in S2 EP1 and S2 EP17. The Owl House is near water so you see it in the background often. Lake prominent in S3 EP1 including a drowning scene.
s1e4 at like 18 or 19 minutes. it’s audio only,
s1e14 at 01:40 theres a warning beforehand and it’s not actual vomit (it’s mail) though the noise is unpleasant,
s1e14 14:45 it’s just a mention: theres no audio or visual,
s2e3 05:00 just gagging but was triggering to me,
s2e7: 02:47 visual of sick in a bag and discussion of it happening + 19:28 a lot of build up but no visual and minor audio, s2e14 21:00 no visual minor audio
often. Prominent in S1 EP1 (prison), S1 EP19 (cage), S2 EP10 (cage), S2 EP13 (prison), S2 EP19 (prison) and S3 EP2 (prison). There are also several scenes in which the Owl Beast is restrained using a net.
people often associate the character Hunter with a trans allegory, and there is a different name associated with him that he's occasionally called, but he isn't canonically trans
in season 2 during an episode focused on king/what he is, a needle/syringe is used on king but not on screen- they zoom out away from the scene and there's a nonrealistic cartoon pricking sound and king screams
Luz’s mother is a nurse and often wears scrubs. There is a reference to brain surgery. Willow also gets amnesia/brain damage, Luz and Amity go into her head to heal her. Skaras prom date stages a hospital scene and there are people dressed as doctors holding a saw, he then pulls out a beating heart with “grom” (prom) on it. When amity has a flashback to when she played grudgby there are nurses helping a hurt player. S1E17 gus’s flags break and they put bandaids on th and attach them to an OC and heart rate monitor which can be heard beeping in the background during the match. S2E8 King gets a needle/blood test but no blood shown.
a character has on-screen realistic panic attacks, and another character has anxiety attacks that cause their eyes to glow and a bubble to form around them as they relive memories/intrusive thoughts
the main character luz has adhd and is a “weird kid”, and the premise of the series involves her going to a camp to teach her how to be “normal”. this may make autistic viewers uncomfortable.
No, however in Season 2 Episode 7, Eda tries to do a spell to strike a blow against the main villain but the spell would have killed her. Someone stops her from completing from it.
While it's not referred to as ABA, one of the main characters who is neurodivergent was being sent to a "think inside the box" camp which has a similar premise before running away. It's mentioned throughout season 1 but only talked about in detail in season 1 episode 1. It's mentioned again in season 2 episode 10 by people who went to the camp, though not in detail.
After escaping an abusive situation and nearly losing his life in the process, one teenage character suffers a triggering event when he sees an image of his abuser later on. This happens in S2E18: Labyrinth Runners. It's also implied that the main protagonist is starting to develop PTSD, or perhaps already has a form of it after losing her father suddenly at a young age.
Season 3 episode 2 The crowd below the collector is shown screaming in fear. Throughout the series there are screams of fear that characters make but it isn't often. The pilot has a scream towards the end when Luz is holding Eda's head (she is fine), as well as when the characters in the conformatorium attack the guard.
In 3x01 characters are thrown about in a battle scene and yell out once or twice
In 3x02, Hunter yells out when he gains a power briefly.
Yeah it’s full of full screen white flashes and quick strobing in all episodes but I’m extremely photosensitive and I was okay with it playing on low brightness
There is a whole thing where the titan is watching Hunter and has "big plans for him" throughout s2.
Kikimora always seems to have an eye on hunter throughout s2 for her own reasons.
Eda is always pursued by the government especially in season 1
The emperor in the season 2 finale says he has eyes on the main characters through kikimora (this is mentioned in clouds on the horizon but also in the following episode)
An antagonist in season 1 watches eda throughout the season
Luz watches Vee and Camila at the beginning of "Yesterday's Lie"
In 3 it is shown that the titan was watching over his son and those who were kind to him in an in between world.
Not really. Just a couple fourth-wall-nudge jokes (for example poking fun at how the show's season 3 was shortened, or at the general writing process for cartoons) but the characters aren't self-aware about it or anything.
In the setting of the show, homophobia and transphobia do not exist. The female protagonist has a girlfriend, and the only time people disapprove of their relationship is because the two come from different social classes.
yes, however it is not ableist jokes, just themes of characters experiencing ableism. ie: luz being bullied, eda being imprisoned for her chronic illness, and nd coded characters getting put in a “conformatorium”
it’s a Disney show set primarily in a realm where racism doesn’t exist.
The show has been critiqued regarding race though, and it’s still a problem even if they tried to address it in season 3 and the tail end of season 2.
• The white supporting characters are given more attention than supporting characters of color, even if the white characters joined later, especially in season 2.
• POC tend to have more “white-washed” traits. Luz is Afro-Dominican, but her and her mom’s hair are pencil straight in the first two seasons and she doesn’t have that many Black features. (That’s rectified in season 3, where they both have curly hair and you can see a straightener in the trash, LOL). Gus and especially Skara both wear their hair in styles that aren’t really protective or healthy for Black hair for most of the show. And people complain about Willow not being visibly Asian/Blasian enough, as a lot of people think she’s white until they see her parents.
Gotta add that Raine is misgendered in some other languages' dubs (like spanish). They're still treated by their right pronouns in the original version
No, but the only aroace character is confirmed Word of God and nothing is done in cannon to back that claim. That being said, nothing is done to contradict it either.
They don’t mention God or anyone specific. One of the evil characters is a witch hunter. He says things like “for the good of your souls” and “to save humanity”. There’s also demons and witches. I watched it as a religious person snd didn’t mind because a) it’s not against religion. It’s against bigotry. And b) demons are not like biblical demons, they’re just silly little creatures.
There are no sex scenes, disrobing, etc. At one point the main character says "I like what I'm seeing" about a shirtless boy and she calls another character foxy.
There may be a few male characters ridiculed for crying, like king, but it’s never bc of their gender. King is a whiny crybaby. In series 3 episode 1, Hunter cries and Luz just comforts him and no one cares that he’s a boy. Several male characters show emotion freely in toh.
A character is believed to be terminally ill in a magical sense towards the end of season 1: their werewolf-like condition of turning into a beast is worsening to the point that they are feared to become the beast permanently. Another character shares in S2 EP14 that their father died a long time ago, and in S3 EP1 it's discussed that the father needed a better hospital, so he might have been terminally ill.
One of the main characters is cursed and a lot of people say its like representation of like a chronic illness (im sorry if this is not really clear i didnt know how to word this also im sorry if my english is bad)
I'm not sure if it counts as gore, but the plot takes place on the body of a fallen giant, and while it's not graphic there are occasional moments where you can see stuff like their bones or their heart.