Early in the film, a dog goes missing. It is later found drowned in a well, and we see its body being pulled out of it right at the 26:00 mark. Skip to 27:14 and you'll avoid it entirely. Immediately preceding them finding the body, Sarah discovers rotting food in her house before hearing a commotion outside.
I'm afraid it's more or less a matter of opinion. Right at the beginning of the film, there's a scene in which a pig is giving birth and one of the piglets seems to be stuck. A character uses a knife to cut it free. Includes audio gore and the screaming of the sow in pain. Then one of the newborn piglets is put into a bag, thrown over a character's shoulder and carelessly carried through the village and the forest as a kind of present. Didn't like that at all. And last but not least, there's a scene in which a horse is visibly distressed and in panic. And while the horse in the film isn't harmed, in a shot like that, I can't help but wonder what they had to do on set to make the animal react like that. I do not like the thought
No, but we do see someone being buried directly in the earth (no coffin or covering), or rather, we see the beginning. We don't actually see the person being covered with earth, only the first shovelful, which doesn't land on the face.
Quite disturbing. Involves a lot of audio gore. I really don't wanna go back and rewatch it to get the exact timestamps but if you skip from about 55:40 to 56:40 you should be safe. Feel free to correct me
Not in the movie per se, but if you watch it on Netflix, it will display a "what happened before" montage, in which (almost?) all deaths from the first two movies are shown again
Yes; we see it. Death appears to be instantaneous; there's no kicking. We don't see the person's face (at least not clearly) during and after the hanging.
Please see the "amputations" category for more info on the scene with the severed hand.
At the very end of the movie, one of the characters has their arm in a cast. There is NO visible or audible bone breaking for this one.
Someone is stabbed in the eye with a knife and the end of the movie. The stabbing itself happens fast and the shot doesn't linger but immediately afterwards the knife is pulled out and we see the wound and it's very bloody and graphical.
Also the scene with the blinded children... when Solomon enters the church, we see a bunch of bloody eyeballs on the ground and some dead children with their eyes gouged out in closeup. Not fun at all. However, you don't see or hear the actual mutilation. Skip from 31:40 - 33:30 to miss the whole thing
A teenaged girl's father is possessed (or something like it), removes his own eyes (we don't see him do it, just the result) and is killed. Also, a man whose wife and child died before the movie's events dies during the movie; whether he's technically a parent when he dies is a matter of definition.
About 25 minutes in, Sarah learns that their sow has eaten all of her piglets. She asks her brother Henry for an axe and kills the sow right there. Immediately after (I mean IMMEDIATELY) Henry leans over and is sick. It's very brief, but you see and hear everything.
There is a moment where a character walks up to a tree where she had a traumatic moment. She has a reaction where she feels like she is back in that moment temporarily
The gay characters talk about lesbianism being "wrong" and that they'll hang for it. Others call them abominations, call it perversion etc. There are strong themes of homophobia.
Not directly, but while driving a car. It's a violent perpendicular collision. It's filmed from a distance, so we don't see the effects on the person(s?), but there's no way they survived.