In the prequel 'Yandere', Taurtis has a pet fish called 'Mr. Fish'.
This fish is not alive, and presumably died before the series when Taurtis took him out of the water, and Taurtis has been carrying him around. In one of the episode mr fish 'dies' after he is thrown into a fire by Grian and Sam
They are all canonically teenagers, and there is a lot of weird mentions of 'panties' and there is multiple canonical pedophile characters who creep on the students in both seasons. It is all played off as a joke.
There's redstone "blood" used as such, and during tokyo soul some characters explode with blood. There's also rotten flesh labelled "Salex" (Taurtis's dead girlfriend) which is implied to be her flesh, but othing too graphic as it is still minecraft.
In tokyo soul, Taurtis wears a nurse outfit and is objectified and is very obviously uncomfortable during the whole scene. The creepy old man that has been hanging around here and there gropes him and Taurtis is very uncomfortable, this is played off for laughs. In the Star Wars series Grian is dressed in a Leia costume without his consent and he is constantly hit on, which Grian is uncomfortable with. this is ALSO played off for laughs.
Stalking is pretty common in both seasons, be it the main characters stalking someone, other characters stalking them, or even random characters getting stalked in the background. There is also a lot of obsessive behaviour, (e.g. Sam towards Sookie, Invader towards Sam, Yuki towards Sam, towards Yuki, etc etc)
In the prequel (Yandere) Jane is shown verbally abusing her husband, and sometimes physically assaulting him (It is minecraft though, so it isn't that graphic) There isn't any that i can remember in the main series though.
I suppose? All the characters are teenagers in the series and a Lot of abuse and violence takes place in the series aswell, in both Yandere Highschool and Tokyo Soul.
There is a lot of casual drug use, the most common being "Sugar" which is clearly a stand-in for cocaine. Said sugar is an essential plotline in the Yakuza plotline, where Sam and Taurtis are tasked to sell this server, and it is mentioned that Taurtis is eating this sugar, and has developed a dependency on it. This is not really brought up again, but there is a lot of sugar use and mentions.
There may be several instances of it but in Yandere Highschool, Grian admits to have taken up drinking as a result of the stressful environment he’s in during that part of the season (this is the grian is taurtis (as i call it) arc)
There’s an episode (of Tokyo Soul) where Sam wakes up Grian by kissing him ..? which is unnecessary and unwanted and Grian argues that himself … The main characters mention Paul Blart inappropriately touching them. And Grian gets sexually harassed a lot (verbally) during the star wars special in Tokyo Soul because he is dressed as Princess Leia. There’s probably more but this is what i could think of
In the christmas special the snowman is melted/burned. There might be others also as in the later episodes of tokyo soul there is a lot of fire and also a big oven.
Sam is pushed off the ladder at their schools pool several times. He reportedly ends up breaking ‘every bone in his body’ though it is obviously played off very comically
Sams childhood toy 'Mr Snuggles' gets destroyed i believe?
And as mentioned above, in Yandere (the prequel) Taurtis's pet fish/toy is destroyed, causing him much distress.
I’m not sure? Cops aren’t exactly depicted very.. good.. since the characters mention that Paul Blart has touched them inappropriately and the police are seen as being corrupt morons (they lock Grian in a padded cell because he wouldn’t confess to crimes he hadn’t committed) and then the police make the main characters work for them and threaten their lives if they don’t? not exactly a good depiction of police officers
It's not exactly electro-therapy, but there is a electric chair, and it's used on Taurtis to scramble his brain to think his yakuza father is still alive.
Sam is clearly mentally ill and needs help, instead he becomes extremely violent throughout the series in general but I think it’s definitely featured when he gets upset at Grian everytime Grian mentioned he wasn’t Taurtis during that arc after the halloween episodes, even to the extent of chasing him down and threatening him with a knife all throughout this part in the story.
There's a character "Jerry" which is a clone of Taurtis, he has disabilities due to being a faulty clone, and the other characters mock him due to his difficulties speaking.
It's around the same level as the 'derp' thing that was common in 2012-2015-ish
There is the sound of plastic crinkling, as if to imply one character was eating it, but it's not really graphic.
There is also occasional lip smacks and spitting but you can skip past it pretty easily.
Sam threatens to kill himself at least once to my memory in an attempt to manipulate Grian and Taurtis. it doesn’t work, im certain they actually end up laughing at him instead. He also does the same thing during Tokyo Soul, in which Grian eggs him on to jump off the roof of their new school..
Rowan suffers from PTSD after serving in an unspecified war, he has episodes and flashbacks where he thinks he's still fighting.
After the events of YHS, it is mentioned several times that the main characters are definitely traumatised from yuki, with sam mentioning "My trigger is girls with knives" and Taurtis mentioning he has a trigger a little later down the road, as far as i recall this doesn't have much importance on the plot, but the trio has to be very traumatised from well, everything, to say the least.
It is all recorded from the pov of a minecraft character, and it can be erratic at points when Sam wants to emphasise something. There's not too much shaking but definitely keep in mind it is from a video game pov, and proceed with caution.
There are occasionally bloopers and such, and the sort of dubiously canon minecraft mechanics that are never explained/shouldn't theoretically work in the world. Not too bad.
So. Much. I don't recommend watching this series in general but especially if you're sensitive to ableist, racist, transphobic jokes.
Sam is really the only one making them though, as he is the director/main character. The other characters in the series do try and change the topic or call him out a little when he does so, but there is just so much of it and the fact that the series is his means it doesnt do much to dissuade him.
Jesus fucking christ they love to be racist and transphobic and homophobic. they love it. obsessed with it really. Lots of racist jokes are made throughout the series, they commonly hate on a character for being a girl with a beard annddd they make fun of Dom for getting kicked out of his house by his homophobic father because he kissed a boy. There’s probably way more considering the series was made in 2015 but that’s what i can think of off the top of my head.
in Tokyo Soul they walk in on two aliens like, glorping or something ? this is clearly supposed to be referencing sex, to which Grian says that he and Taurtis do that all the time and Taurtis confirms … not opening that can of worms lol
Dom is made homeless in Yandere Highschool after he gets kicked out of his house by his father for kissing another boy. They make fun of him for this, i think
Yes. Very sad. If you were attached to just about any character, don’t be.
Tokyo Soul has a bit of a sad ending too which I won’t spoil but damn it sucks
Yes but it’s all in minecraft so it isn’t too yucky.. though there are a lot of depictions of bloody knives in Yandere Highschool so that may be a bit uncomfortable but it’s generally not that big of a deal