At the end of S5 E21 Robin threatens to move out of the apartment she shares with Ted after him and Barney try and "win her back" even though she is in a happy relationship with Don. Ted then goes to the bar and tells Barney that she hasn't said anything else about leaving. He gets home finds an empty milk carton in the fridge and is annoyed that Robin left it there so goes to her room to tell her but finds it empty with nothing in it but the blue French horn in the corner.
Robin's father treats her badly and this is shown in several flashbacks. He leaves her in the wilderness alone at 16 for several days. He sends her to military school and burns her clothes. He treats her as a boy as he wishes he had a son. He calls her a disappointment and says that he tells his friends she is in a coma.
S8 E13 is partly about Robin forgiving and building a relationship with her father who is implied to have been abusive when she was a child. It's not really explicitly said but it's kind of obvious if you have a concept of it.
Robins farther mistreated her by forcing masculinity onto her and at one point dropping her into the middle of the woods to fend for herself for 3 days
Barney is shown to have had a gambling addiction that got out of hand and he is shown to have an eating addiction when in an unhealthy relationship with robin
I would say no, but people are definitely sad about animals, Barney and Brover, and Lily has to tell a teacup pig that she won’t date it… this is a weird show
Several members of the group get slapped. Definitely all of the male members and there is a long term storyline about a slap bet but I don't think any women do.
S9 E18 8:15-8:25 Barney's face is briefly held underwater in an attempt by Lily and Robin to wake him up when severely drunk and unconscious. Robin also mentions that her father did it to her when she was a young child and wouldn't get up for school.
S4 E10 centres around a fight between two men who took the group's normal seats in the bar and Barney, Ted and the bartender. Ted and Barney never actually fight them but they spend the episode claiming they did and almost experience legal repercussions but eventually come clean. The bartender does however fight the two men and the aftermath of their injuries are seen (although they are fairly minor) At the end the bartender tries to attack Ted and Barney but Marshall punches him instead. A flashback is also shown of Marshall fighting his brothers although it is suggested to have been playfighting.
In S3E6 someone using Ted's name as his stage name says that he is doing it because once he was being beaten up by bullies behind his school when Ted appeared and saved him. No fight is shown.
there isn't any but there's discussion of an amputee stripper who "has add ons" and when Barney gets hit by a bus, he discusses the ambulance needing to "cut something off." it ended up being a suit but the joke was made to lead us to believe something may have been getting amputated.
there are many times leke are kicked on the balls. In a later episode, when Lily and Marshall are having a housewarming party, Lily tells Barney that the girl he's about to sleep with cut off her ex's penis and Barney worries that she will cut off his
barney breaks his hip in season two. later in the show he breaks almost everything when he got hit by a bus. marshall breaks his toe. ted breaks both arms after a ski trip but its in a flashback and only gets shown for a few seconds.
No one is tortured, but the word accures on several instances, especially in connection with the slap bet between Barney and Marshall. Marshall also uses some lines, which reference psychological torture (as a parody to other movies)
It is revealed that Lilly has pulled the head off a stuffed animal riding horse and had placed it under the blanket of a napping kindergarten student. It was his riding horse.
Barney lightly kidnaps his friend when he is either bored or wants to show them a little fun, main example would be when he tries to take Ted away from his birthday party and take him to Atlantic city while Ted protests and asks to be returned
This should be everything, I compiled all of those in the comments and added some that had been missed from my watch. As a severe emetephobe the incidents did bother me but were absolutely not as bad as most shows and things as there is never any visual except s7 ep1
s1 ep15: ± 17:35 ted v*mits
S1 e20 15:20
s2 ep15: ± 11:50 marshall v*mits
s2 ep16: ± 10:00 very subtle, barney pretends to v into a bag by fake g*gging, you don’t hear anything and it’s really brief like 1 second so really easily missed
s2 ep22: ± 19:00 the guy who works at the restaurant says “your wife just thr*w up in the trash” so just a mention, not sure if there’s sound cause i turned mine off when he said it cause i was scared
s3 ep8: 1:50 someone sitting behind marshall at the exam
s4 ep7: 14:10 lilly v in a trash can in marshall’s office
S4 e19: fairly early on ted holds a bin I skipped so idk if anything happened
s4 ep20: 3:40 bunch of people watching a youtube video and one guy on the right v*mits in a trash can
s4 ep22: 3:40 robin v*mits
s5 ep17: 15:40 barney v*mits
S6 e6: around 6 minutes in
Season 6 Ep. 13, about 11 minutes in. When Robin is being made fun of, theres a highlight reel of her blunders in News and she pukes in one.
S6 e24 a lot
S7 e1: around 12:50 baby pukes on the magazine
Season 7 Ep. 13. When Ted starts to raise the drink prices, skip to the end of the scene. The patrons start puking in a long mash-cut
S7 e24 4-5 mins
S8 ep 7, someone held a bucket at around 4 min in. I don't know if anything happens but I skipped just to be
Season 8 Ep. 10, 18 minutes in. Marshal tells Lily some gross news and Lily pukes in Ted’s cooler and again in the last scene
Season 9 Ep. 1, About 5 minutes in Barney asks Ranjit to pull over, Robin and Barney puke out the car
Season 9 Ep. 8, Ted takes a girl up to a lighthouse and when the narrator says “one other time I’ve felt in my adult life”, he voms off the lighthouse.
Season 9 ep 11 scared me I don’t know if anything happened but they said that Robin was about to p*** in the story Robin takes the cake
Another episode somewhere in season 9, forgot to timestamp. I believe it’s when Barney sneaks out and makes friends with two college boys. I think this is season 9 ep 17
Season 9 Ep. 20, Lily pukes about 16 minutes in to the episode. The second time the train window is shown, skip.
Season 9 ep22 around 7 minutes
Not seen but it is suggested that a baby poops on his father in S8 E13. It is shown as a burst of confetti to the face. There is a lot of conversation about it in that episode but confetti is used as a euphemism.
No but Barney and Robin spend a large amount of the episode touching objects in the natural history museum and it is mentioned that when he was a child he knocked down the blue whale skeleton.
They are pointing out annoying habits in each other and Lily’s annoying habit is that she chews loudly so the episode will frequently cut to her chewing loudly. It exaggerates the sound so it’s super loud crunching sounds.
Barney gets scared and breaks down when threatened with slaps from the slap bet (this is taken as humour and it isn't shown if he is actually scared or just trying to guilt his friends into not hitting him but either way it might be uncomfortable)
In an episode Barney and Nora are shown sitting outside on the balcony before a man falls past them shouting Goodbye cruel world!" In another episode Barney adopts a dog and when he finds out he must return the dog to it's owner his immediate reaction is to attempt to jump off his balcony before his friends stop him/ Both of these instances are intended to be humorous be could be triggering
It is suggested throughout the series that barney has secret cameras in the homes of all his friends. In a montage at the end of the episode final page part 2 various footage is shown from these cameras proving their existence.
in a scene where they talk about annie hall they mention how people have been ripping off how someone in annie hall broke the fourth wall and robin said "can you believe this guy" and turned to face the camera
it was NOT a miscarriage, but lilys pregnancy test is positive but when they visit the doctor it turns out that she wasnt pregnant, i dont know if that might be triggering
Not anti-semitism but general ignorance towards Jewish culture from Barney, he tries to adapt Jewish traditions to be about casual sex and “bro” culture a number of times, with varying degrees of respect
Ted shows up wearing a dress in one episode, it's not a joke as in "it's funny because he's wearing a dress" but rather an inside joke between the characters, could potentially be upsetting though
A lot of characters poke fun at characters' masculinity. Specifically in S2E9, Barney slaps Marshall as part of a bet and then mocks him "Are you gonna cry?" and in "The Chain of Screaming" Marshall gets made fun of for crying at work.
The gang fell apart, Robin and Barney had a divorce, Barney became a single parent, Tracy (the mother) died. But also Lily and Marshall had 3 children, Ted finally got back together with Robin soo i don't know.