Jay and his four wives seem to live a happy life, but in reality, his wives hate each other. Drama ensues when his fourth wife is found murdered. Who is the killer?
This tv show contains 43 potentially triggering events.
A dog is kidnapped and the plan is to threaten to hurt it so that a character gets paid by the owner of the dog, but there is no real intention to hurt it
Mostly no but there are some breaks from reality that are there to make a point. An example being, the main character goes to court and doesn’t understand what is being said, so to illustrate this, the actors are saying “My client legal legal legal legal. However, legal legal legal legal...” Another example, the main character’s negative self-depreciating thoughts are illustrated by things like “Wellfare Queen” and “White Trash” appearing on the public assistance paperwork she’s filling out. There are instances of this about once per episode, especially in the first few episodes.
Many times. It’s a story about DV, so there are a few scenes of leaving in the middle of the night. There’s also a particularly flaky character who disappears sometimes.
Alex's ex boyfriend who is the father of her child was abused during his childhood and definitely replicates that in his adulthood with his own family, especially towards Alex
Court/legal system doesn’t consider emotional abuse to be domestic violence, so the protagonist’s experience with emotional abuse is constantly belittled and denied of being domestic violence even though the protagonist lives in a DV shelter for part of the show. Her mother also gaslights her by denying the validity of the emotional and financial abuse she endured.
Just reiterating and confirming that a 3 year old child is sedated with cough medicine by her grandparent. Ignoring that the child is well when this occurs, 3 years old is too young for this type of medication, it is unsafe.
Not physically but a woman has her means of escape/freedom from an abusive partner taken away (her car) by the abusive partner, with the intention of trapping her with him.
There is a mention of the ex going to the beach and being very intoxicated and his girlfriend keeps trying to touch him and have sex despite him obviously not wanting to.
A character passes out from exhaustion, overwork, stress, and malnutrition. Another character passes out while drunk a few times throughout the series.
It’s complicated. There’s a very bitter custody battle in the beginning. The main character is a DV victim. She leaves with her daughter in the middle of the night in the first episode. Her abusive ex gains custody temporarily immediately following this because the court views her leaving with her child as abduction, Because the viewer knows the circumstances, it also “feels” like abduction as the main character’s child is taken back by the abusive ex, even though he legally has custody.
S1E1: A toddler accidentally drops her toy out of the window while in the car and screams in distress. Her mother pulls over and runs out to retrieve it but it has already been completely destroyed.
A dog is kidnapped (but returned) in S1E2. Furthermore, the court/legal system considers the protagonist leaving with her daughter for 72 hours without the father’s consent to be kidnapping even though it was for the daughter’s own good.
Now complete! Episode 3: @11:00min, visceral audio and visual, @39:00 a character mentions he is going to vomit but nothing is seen or heard. Episode 7: @23:00 out of the blue visceral visual and audio.
spoilers ————————a character believed to have undiagnosed bipolar disorder accidentally severely injures herself breaking a window. possibly of note- a few characters who have addictions are violent towards other characters, and the main character’s abuser has faced trauma himself, though it’s not clear if he has ptsd.
All the characters eat pretty loudly. The kissing scene in S1E7 is super loud and gross. You also hear the sounds of oral sex (female receiving) which is also sloppy and gross.
In episode 7, Alex gets locked in a small attic space and has a panic attack because it triggers flashbacks of locking herself in a cupboard as a child to hide from domestic abuse between her parents.
While there is no intentional disordered eating, the main character is not able to afford enough food to support herself- specifically in the first episode. She ends up fainting while cleaning a clients house while beforehand having fantasized about binge eating the clients entire fridge. It is a grey area of what could be triggering.