Actually kinda, the astrologer could be seen as the abused and she uses her power to abuse the people who hurt her, but then also hurts a bunch of innocents.
2 children are mentioned, both die offscreen. 1 is a fetus and dies at some point before or during birth, the other is a child who is hanged, her feet are shown only while she is dangling.
Falling itself is never a direct cause of death, but someone does fall and become incapacitated shortly before being killed, and another person is killed by hanging
no but you see an arm that has wounds that pretty much look like selfharm for me it wasnt triggering, but maybe it could trigger others in the last 20 minutes i'd say but i dont remember properly
No, but the characters aren’t especially deep, which makes the representation less impactful. In particular, I couldn’t tell that the sapphic couple were a couple until one of them was shown grieving the other.
A make character is in an elevator screaming and cowering and his roommate opens the elevator and the character acts awkwardly after. Was not made fun of and the joke was more because the situation seemed ridiculous to the uninvolved roommate.
Bursts of horror violence, including throat slitting, stabbing, hanging, and bludgeoning throughout, but primarily occurring off-screen or in the dark; a few blood splatters.