When a litter of dalmatian puppies are abducted by the minions of Cruella De Vil, the parents must find them before she uses them for a diabolical fashion statement.
This movie contains 17 potentially triggering events.
There is a scene in which Perdita has her puppies and it is implied one of the puppies died---he doesn't die--Roger (the human) rubs the puppy's back and brings him back to life, naming him Lucky. Lucky is seen several times in the movie. There is talk of skinning the dogs by the villain but no actual deaths occur and all live by the end of the movie.
Villains drink and even talk about having drunken delusions / liver damage depending on the dubbing, it's cartoonish but can still be a trigger for someone.
The two main human characters fall into a shallow pond. We see the river Thames in some scenes. Pongo and Perdita have to cross a rapid, cold river, but they do so successfully
In the show “What’s My Crime?” That the henchmen are watching, a character seems to be coded as having intellectual disabilities. The henchmen call him “Meathead”
There is a puppy that is fat and often talks about how it is hungry - this could be considered insensitive depending on how sensitive you are about fat jokes/if you consider a fat character a joke. Nobody ever outright makes fun of the puppy however.
I suppose you could argue that Pongo trying to get his “pet” to get a girlfriend when he doesn’t seem interested is at least amatonormativity, if not aphobia
Characters fall in love and get married, and dogs have puppies, but we don't see the dogs mate and there is no implications of anything rude between the humans.
Cars honk and tires screech multiple times. Cruella also gaslights Horace and Jasper for being terrible drivers while she is the worst driver of them all.