the premise of the show is murder suspects recounting events as different film genres. each of these retellings is unreliable in their own way, meaning it can be hard for the viewer to discern truth from lies
A dad leaves his daughter in the car whilst he goes in to the party, however she shortly leaves the car and goes into the party. He sees her later and puts her back into the car, where she falls asleep. He leaves to check on her during the investigation
in episode 4 a woman is repeatedly followed by a man and is visibly frightened, although he turns out to just be trying to return her keys to her. part of this episode also revolves around the same woman being sent anonymous threatening texts
(spoilers for season 1 episodes 4 and 5)
a guy tries to pressure a girl into sleeping with him (and later lies to everyone about having slept with her), but he doesn’t actually try to assault her. she tries to get revenge on him by drugging him and taking naked pictures of him, but this doesn’t actually end up happening. there is also a running gag about a teacher having an affair with his former student (but not while she is his student)
aniq passes out/is unconscious in almost every episode (one instance just retold each time). this is a significant plot point in the grand scheme of the murder mystery
in s1 a main character previously cheated on his wife with another character. it happened in the past and isn’t shown onscreen but is discussed a good bit. (SPOILERS FOR S2E4) season 2 centers partially around one of the main characters cheating on her fiance
police corruption is shown pretty heavily and the main detective talks about how messed up the system is, but she and her partner are still ultimately the “good guys” (despite using some tactics that don’t seem entirely ethical to me)
in s1, a character makes repeated attempts to streak though they continuously fail. in s2, a character is seen naked. their whole body is shown but their hands are covering their genitalia
The entire episode is about a relationship Danner had in the past, which progresses deeper and deeper into some kinky sex stuff. It culminates in her being asked to participate in bondage, and
**SPOILERS** the room is then set on fire with her still tied to the bed.
yes and no. no because a case is solved and the main character gets with his love interest. however (spoiler) said main character gets betrayed by his best friend due to committing murder
no gun violence but a character saves another character by shooting an object keeping said person trapped. the shooting is shown to be a risky situation but ultimately no one is harmed from the gun
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