Hook up with Finn and Jake as they travel the Land of Ooo searching for adventure. But remember, adventure isn’t always easy. Sometimes you’ve got to battle fire gnomes that torture old ladies, save a smelly hot dog princess from the Ice King, and thaw out a bunch of frozen businessmen. What the cabbage?!
This tv show contains 118 potentially triggering events.
No dogs die on screen, but there is discussion of Jake's dead parents. There is also a scene where Billy says "I used to have a magic dog" and he is next to a dog skeleton.
There are several bad or abusive parents. Finn's father abandoned him as a baby, and when they reconnect, he runs off again with a group of criminals. Marceline's father, who is a demon king, tricks her into putting on a cursed magic amulet. He also steals her fries and tries to suck the souls from her friends.
yes, in a few episodes it is seen that princess bubblegum hides cameras all over the candy kingdom and essentially sees her subject’s every move. she eventually gets rid of the surveillance system, though
In an episode about a spider couple with a bad marriage, the couple constantly verbally assault each other and the wife starts beating the husband and says she's going to eat him. It's depicted in a joking manner
In a very literal way. In the episode "Evergreen," Gunther puts on a crown that grants the wearer's greatest wish. His wish is to be like his mentor, Urgence Evergreen, so he literally becomes a warped version of him and emulates his abusive behavior.
Nothing explicit is shown, but may be uncomfortable to watch: there are several times when an adult character flirts with Finn/says that they are in love with/“like” him (Tree Trunks for example in Season
2 Episode 8 “Crystals Have Power”). Finn’s voice actor is a minor, Finn ages from 13-17 throughout the show’s run.
Simon (the Ice King) is addicted to using his crown, an artifact w/ magic-influenced addictive properties that gives him magic powers, but alters him physically and causes him to often black-out when using it, and later on leaves him with long-term memory issues.
This is most obviously depicted as being an addiction in the episodes that explore Ice King's past/backstory. In the show's present timeline, he is almost never shown without the crown and so doesn't even have much opportunity to display addictive behaviors, and he is rarely separated from the thing he is addicted to.
Not actually, but there is allegorical reference to alcohol abuse that could easily be picked up by someone who has experience with it. Simon (the Ice King) is addicted to a magic crown that gives him powers. This addiction is most likely not meant to be a direct 1 to 1 metaphor soley for alcohol use, but at points it's depicted in ways that specifically parallel alcohol addiction rather than just addiction in general.
The main example is that initially ("initially" refers to in the flashbacks to his past, not in the show's direct timeline) when Simon uses the crown he often blacks out and cannot remember what he did while he was using it. This leads him to behaving in ways that upset both his fiance and his adopted daughter but that he himself cannot remember doing, leading to strained relationships with both of them.
sort of, in “the eyes” finn and jake discuss killing a horse that keeps staring at them. eventually it’s revealed that it’s not a real horse, and was instead ice king in disguise
One of the main characters is an anthropomorphic dog who gets into physical fights with villians. In s1 ep20 "Freak City", a wizard turns a bird inside out while it's still alive. In season 2 episode 5 "storytelling", a boy harasses forest animals. In season 2 episode 9 "the other tarts" an evil anthropomorphic butterfly is poisoned.
There is not actual dog fighting, as in dog fighting rings. A dog does fight things, but he's an anthropomorphic talking dog. He does sometimes get hurt, but if the concern is dog fighting as in the actual real life practice: no, there is no dog fighting.
in the episode “mystery dungeon” lemongrab kills a big rat and eats apple pie out of its mouth. it’s not really graphic in any way and is more so played for laughs/showing how bonkers crazy and unhinged lemongrab is.
in the episode “the vault” shoko tells her pet tiger to “play dead” and then “deader!”. the tiger isn’t actually dead though but at the end of the episode shoko dies on screen and it’s sort of implied that the tiger stays with her body (for a length of time unspecified).
also in ATDL: “together again” jake (the dog) is dead. there’s a hallucinogenic(?) sequence at the beginning that shows jake dying in front of finn which is very traumatic for finn and may be scary for kids watching. he just dissolves into water and is in an open grave marked “R.I.P. JAKE”.
The episode Web Weirdos heavily features two giant spiders. At the end of the episode, Finn and Jake are covered by a fountain of baby spiders, and Finn screams.
In the episode "Still" the Ice King sprays a potion on Finn and Jake while they sleep. The potion paralyzes them so the Ice King can hang out all day with them. In another episode, a character who is sick is forced to take medication despite verbal and physical resistance.
Technically yes. Finn is underage (16 at the oldest in later seasons) and adult characters flirt with or even propose marriage to him. There is never any explicit sex or anything, but still a dynamic there.
In the episode "Ocean of Fear" Jake tries to dunk Finn's head in the ocean to help Finn overcome his fear of it. Finn has a panic attack over being underwater.
starchy is restrained by finn while princess bubblegum injects him with medicine. the injection is partially shown but you can’t see the needle going into starchy.
No explicit sexual assault is depicted, however in the "Stakes" arc, there is imagery that can be interpreted as very similar to sexual assault and this may bother people who are privy to that specific imagery
Multiple occurences. Finn has a panic attack and gasps for air when he sees the ocean. When Finn builds a magic tower too high, he gets short of breath due to nearly reaching space. Jake drowns in his "croak dream" and is seen holding his breath.
In the two-part episodes "Jake the Dog" and "Finn the Human" an alternate version of the Ice King is shown crushed beneath a frozen bomb. His skeleton is shown multiple times.
kind of. after root beer guy dies in “something big” he is buried and is later resurrected as dirt beer guy. he is shown popping out of the ground (alive again) i believe.
There are several instances. To me the most graphic is in "Escape from the Citadel." The Lich, an undead monster, is regenerated. His eyes bulge, skin and muscle grow, and he makes an awful gibbering sound. Lesser body horror could include Finn turning lumpy from an infected bite, Princess Bubblegum turning into a monster due to the Lich, and Marceline's demon transformation.
finn loses (and regrows) one of his arms several times throughout the series! his past life, shoko says that her parents cut off her arm and traded it for a computer. she is given a replacement arm and finn is as well
Finn is seen to have teeth missing throughout the series. In the episode Dentist, one of his teeth is visibly rotten. Towards the end of the episode, he hits his head on a stalagmite and his teeth all shatter.
In almost every Finn, either previous life, possible future, fantasy, or the real Finn on multiple occasions, will ALWAYS lose their arm. It is sometimes shown, but no gore.
A candy person does attempt suicide by falling off a cliff but survives. You see him give up, walk off the cliff, fall and it cuts out when he hits the bottom. You then see him in pieces at the bottom but he is still alive.
A goblin named Xergiok had his eyes removed by a wizard. The eyes are placed in his beard. After he goes mad with power when he finds his eyes, he plucks out his own eyes and tells Finn and Jake to bury them in the desert.
Finn is a teenager (16 or younger depending on the episode) and several female characters including LSP and Tree Trunks hit on him. Tree Trunks is much older than Finn but in the episode "Crystals Have Power" she asks him to marry her and kiss her. LSP writes a book about her trying to seduce Finn and Turtle Princess encourages her plan.
Alternate-dimension versions of the Ice King and Marceline die in the Finn the Human/Jake the Dog episodes. Prismo, who is more a "recurring guest star," is murdered by the Lich. If the HBO "Distant Lands" episodes are included, most characters die and are shown in the afterlife.
Billy, who is humanoid but not human, is killed by the Lich. Rootbeer Guy is killed trying to defeat Maja. The Lich's evil severed hand is stabbed. Several vampires are killed.
marceline has a toy named hambo that she's had since she was a child, her boyfriend sells it to a witch but she gets it back later in the series.
in another episode, we see a little girl playing with a teddy bear on the beach, she spots something scary in the sea and everyone on the beach runs away and she forgets her teddy
There's a gag in one episode where Finn accidently sees Marceline in the shower. He reacts with horror and emberassment, and isn't weird or creepy about it, but it's still pretty uncomfortable, especially since Finn is a minor. Nothing explicit is shown, just Marceline's legs.
Finn has this whole thing about how he used to poop himself when younger and it's still a source of emberassment for him as a teenager. It's mentioned multiple times.
The episode Food Chain is all about the circle of life. Sentient caterpillars are eaten by birds, larger birds eat smaller birds, bacteria eat the dead big birds. Finn and Jake experience all of this due to Magic Man.
Many characters are shown farting. In the episode Jake Vs Me-mow, Finn and Jake are startled while eating, and do spit takes into one another's mouths.
There are episodes where Finn and Jake are cops and they enjoy it a lot. It's clearly shown that they don't know what's going on and just want to solve the case.
The Enchiridion is an ancient magical book that Finn destroys to keep the Lich from using it. The Lich himself destroys an ancient artifact/weapon called the "Gauntlet of the Hero." There is also an artifact called the Lamb Relic that is destroyed to free Finn from its power.
babysnaps is sent to a mental institution after holding other candy people hostage. the scene is brief but he is seen in a straight jacket playing chess. i believe it is also showed briefly in another episode but i can’t remember which one and it’s a very minor scene.
Yes, absolutely. The characters Simon (Ice King) and Betty are both blatantly depicted as being mentally ill. Simon in particular shows prominent symptoms of multiple specific disorders - mostly, and probably intentionally, depression (could be either MDD or bipolar), dementia, addiction (often specifically paralleling alcoholism), and bulimia, but to a lesser extent (likely unintentionally) autism.
Both of these characters are depicted sympathetically (though Simon is not initially), but both also play roles as antagonists.
Betty is depicted as being much more dangerous - she even becomes the final antagonist of the series (though she is still kept in a sympathetic light). But she also has far less screen time and is (properly) introduced much later in the series, while Simon is introduced within the first few episodes.
Simon is rarely depicted as being a genuine threat, he is powerful but easily "defeated". As for specific things he does, he lashes out and has violent outbursts when upset, and attacks the main characters at multiple points. Much more uncomfortably though, he stalks and kidnaps women in attempts to romantically pursue them. He is never depicted as (or implied to be) committing acts of sexual violence, and his behavior towards women is usually framed as silly and not actually threatening, but it's still not a nice depiction of mentally ill people. Especially since the show does not separate these behaviors from his mental health issues, but in fact directly links them. His impulsivity, lack of social skills, poor memory, mood swings, and difficulties communicating, among many other things directly contribute to his treatment of women. His main motivation for his excessive pursuing of romance is also directly related to his backstory, which strongly features addiction and consists of allegories to dementia and alcoholism.
He is initially portrayed as an "evil wizard who kidnaps princess" in an over the top and silly sort of way, but as the show starts to subvert this trope through developing his character and treating his mental health issues more seriously, it also means that you can't brush off the "kidnapping people" part of his character as him being a silly villain anymore, and thus you have to treat it more seriously!
I will note that as representation of mentally ill people Simon and Betty do both absolutely have many positives. Simon's "reformation", or more accurately, his mental health recovery arc is genuinely well done at many points, and does a lovely job of showing the value that a good support system can have for those who are going through mental health struggles. It's also worth noting that throughout Simon's character arc, he begins to engage less and less in this sort of behavior (both the violence and the uncomfortable behavior towards women), and eventually he even stops kidnapping people entirely.
An anthropomorphic cookie attempts suicide by falling off a cliff, but survives; the cookie breaks into several still-living pieces which are later reassembled.
in the last episode “come along with me” when simon finn and betty are all inside the golb. it’s towards the end of the episode and it goes on for multiple scenes
Ice King displays symtoms of an eating disorder, mainly bullemia. He talks about trying to loose weight frequently, yet is often portrayed as being unhealthily skinny, to the point where you can see his ribs. He is sometimes drawn to be chubbier, and reference is made to him binge eating. People call this a theory, but I honestly feel it was extremely intentional. Either way, someone with an eating disorder themsleves would almost definetly notice it when viewing this show, so a warning is certainly in order.
while never explicitly stated, many believe finn has PTSD. he is terrified of drowning/the ocean because he was abandoned at sea as a baby. in “obsidian” marceline has a flashback to a traumatic point in her life and cries afterwards
I think in the episode "Boom Boom Mountain" we see a flash back of when Finn poo'd on a leaf as a baby and then no one comes to 'help' him and he is then shown crying in the flashback
Pretty often. Finn has a very high-pitched scream, to the point he defeats a wizard with just his "power shriek." Lemongrab also tends to scream a lot, especially when angry.
A light flashes once at the end of the opening song. There are strobing effects in s1 ep1 "slumber party panic" s1 ep8 "The Jiggler", s1 ep20 "Freak City", in season 2 episode 7 "power animal", and in season 2 episode 8 "crystals have power". A reocurring character, The Ice King, has powers that often create a mild flashing effect around his hands when he uses them. He uses his powers in the opening song, in s1 ep3 "prisoners of love", and in s1 ep7 "Ricardo the heart guy". In s1 ep5 "enchiridion", the screen flashes for a second a few times and there are superpowers with a mild flashing effect. There's a single flash from an explosion in s1 ep8 "business time". In s1 ep9 "my two favorite people" a unicorn's powers have a flashing effect
Episode “A Glitch is a Glitch”. Finn says that animators have no life then immediately punches himself in the face and confusedly asks why he did that. A glitch creature speaks to Finn and Jake and its speech is subtitled. The camera angle changes and shows the subtitles are actually physically floating in front of the creature.
Lady Rainicorn is pregnant and gives birth to five dog/rainicorn crossbreeds between episodes. The birth itself isnt seen.
A spider character graphically releases an egg sac that bursts into thousands of baby spiders.
One of several Gunthers (penguins) is eggbound and the episode's sideplot revolves around them laying this egg.
no but lady is beaten and tied into a knot in this episode before anyone but herself and princess bubblegum know she’s pregnant. she & her babies are okay though!
There are comical "crazy" characters in the series, including a senile character and a character who hallucinates. In s1 ep3 "prisoners of love" people make fun of a boy for being incontinent
At first Ice king is an antisemetic blood libel trope with his aged appearance, long pointed nose and affinity for kidnapping princesses. He is later redeemed
Not that I can remember, but I do know in the earlier seasons there are some jokes that can be read as transphobic, like when Jake has a brain injury and is acting "crazy" he calls himself a woman as if that's something crazy
The ghost warriors in "Morituri Te Salutamus" were confirmed outside of the show to be gay (one of them calls another ghost his love). They all killed each other prior to this episode and mourn each other as they fight.
Also, Princess Bubblegum dies in "Mortal Folly" but she is brought back to life in the next episode. However this is before she was confirmed sapphic.
Characters comically play with their stomachs in s1 ep7 "Ricardo the heart guy". S1 ep8 "business time" has jokes about the main characters gaining weight. There are gags about characters gaining weight in s6 ep7 "food chain".
No, but the show has a very small number of POC in the cast, a lot of which die. To be fair, they don't have a lot of white people either - the show mostly has non human characters. But Moe, Prismo, and Marceline's mom are all people of color who die. Prismo is later resurrected though. This is potentially made slightly more offensive by the fact that the only other two prominent people of color, Marceline and Simon, end up having unnatural skin colors (gray and blue respectively) as a result of the influence of magic powers.
- There is an age gap relationship between two side characters: A and B. A seems to be in his 30s/40s and B is more like a gradma age. They are not central to the plot at all and only appear in a few episodes
- A character does have a crush on a character that's too old for him, but they don't date, it's just a crush
The religious figures from Adventure Time are real in-universe and show up as characters. There is a multi-faced deity named Glob, Gob, Grob and Grod. A popular exclamation is "oh my Glob." Finn also asks at one point if everyone is "at church, worshipping Glob." There is also a god of chaos/destruction called Golb.
There is an area of the land of OOO called the Nightosphere. It isn’t an actual representation of hell but it does seem very similar to one. There are also several demons in the show, one of them being Marceline’s father and Marceline being part demon.
there is implied nudity throughout the series but never shown on screen. in the episode “marceline’s closet” finn sees marcy naked and we see his reaction & in “the pit” jake is seen removing a towel from his body and finn reacts like he’s naked (though he never wears any clothes)
There is lots of cross-species dating and marriage, like Tree Trunks and Mr. Pig or Finn and several princesses, but all parties involved are sentient with human-like intelligence.
There’s no biological incest, but there’s a moment where Simon tries to kiss Marceline having forgotten he’s basically her adoptive father and she has to cry out and shove him away. There’s also moments where Tree Trunks goes after Finn despite being grandmotherly to him.
LSP leaves her parents' home and struggles with living in the wild. Finn and Jake get temporarily evicted, but this is resolved at the end of the episode
Several times but the most well known example being “If just being born is the greatest act of creation, then what are you supposed to do after that? Isn’t everything that comes next sort of a disappointment? Slowly entropying until we devolve into a pile of mush?”
Occasionally characters will be scarred but it never truly goes out of the realm of bruises.
Gore is shown occasionally but its always in a tame way such as in the episode Escape from the Citadel when Finn loses his arm and it stretches grossly, desperately trying to hold on.
Body horror is used occasionally specifically with antagonists like The Lich, but minimal blood is shown and its usually shown offscreen
not really, there are no realistic guns shown in the show but there are ray guns and tennis ball launchers, but nothing goes further than cartoon violence guns going “pew pew pew”. no character is directly wounded from these guns but in the episode “varmints” princess bubblegum can be seen with her ray gun shooting monsters on screen
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