The story of two animals and their adventures. Milo, the cat, and Otis, the dog, are two animals who grew up together on the same farm. One day, the two are separated and begin a journey to find each other. The adventurous, and often perilous quest finds the two animals traveling across mountains, plains, and snow-covered lands searching for one another.
This movie contains 12 potentially triggering events.
While no animal dies ON SCREEN, the making of this movie had many deaths. The animals were abused behind scenes and several cats died during some more intense moments in the film. Also take note, that when the crab pinched the kitten towards the end, that wasn't fake. Animals were definitely harmed and I wish this website put more views on what really happened behind scenes. :(
A dead muskrat is shown briefly in the mouth of a fox. Later on in the movie an owl is shows swooping down and catching a field mouse. A fish is shown getting carried off to be eaten by a raccoon. And later on, drying racks with dozens of dead fish are shown.
Not only are the animal characters put through abusive and perilous situations, many animal 'actors' were used to film said scenes and were tortured and killed without empathy, including fatal re-takes.