This equal parts survival epic, psychological horror story and coming-of-age drama tells the saga of a team of wildly talented high school girls soccer players who become the (un)lucky survivors of a plane crash deep in the remote northern wilderness. The series chronicles their descent from a complicated but thriving team to savage clans, while also tracking the lives they’ve attempted to piece back together nearly 25 years later.
This tv show contains 122 potentially triggering events.
In a way. One girl is continuously attempting to sexually & emotionally abuse a guy, who forgives her for most of it. (partially because he is much older than her)
Both women and men are brutalized in this show, but I will say in regards to this particular trigger that so far, no women have been brutalized by men or for men.
Ep 1…
40:15 dead rabbit not too graphic
Ep 2…
38:20 cutting open rabbit v graphic
Ep 3…
18:34-18:59 dead animal carcass, v graphic
Ep 4…
27:45 pig/deer head served on platter
52:05-52:28 dead deer
53:00-54:20 dead deer
54:20-54:38 graphically eating deer meat w sound
Ep 5…
13:49-14:19 dead pig and lots of blood some guts
17:03-17:19 cutting and bone popping
17:19-18:38 corpse of animal shown in background not focused on it
18:38-18:47 corpse shown in focus in background
18:47-19:22 corpse of animal shown in background not focused on it
23:22-23:27 dead bird
Ep 6…
2:49-3:02, 3:23-3:27 deer with guts on antlers
11:13-11:46 nasty chicken baby
52:42-55:40 dead dear and cutting
55:39-56:15 blood and killing of wolf
Ep 8…
33:15-33:50 bird held captive/threatens to harm him (doesn’t)
Ep 10…
14:35-14:51 killing/dead bear :(
21:29-22:29 chopping up meat/ a bit bloody
51:06-51:20 dead doggy :( blood and heart
In one episode, Shauna remarks that a cat on a missing poster is "definitely dead," but so far no onscreen cats have been killed! Which makes it one of the few animals to have a survival rate so far.
Pet mouse is dead, turns out to have been dead a while. Reveal 4:29-4:50 (theme song beginning). Animal is practically mummified, no gore of any kind but very sad.
One of the characters drugs/poisons someone, drugs the whole group with psilocybin mushrooms, and (as an adut) laces chocolates and cigarettes with fentanyl.
There is a creepy cop that seduces a teenage girl in order to manipulate her, knowing she is underage. Nothing sexual happens between them, but he is definitely a really gross guy
In terms of the typical bully-victim relationship, no. Someone offers themselves up to be beaten and the attacker beats them nearly to death. Many people consider this character to be a bully, so it could be triggering.
!!! This show may be very triggering if this is an issue !!!
I am not sure if there are any jokes made about this, but there are several scenes where men are SA'd, drugged & almost R*ped. None of this is taken seriously by the other characters and one guy is later thought to have committed suicide (presumably this could have contributed to his mental health issues).
Two characters had sex while Character B was drugged and tripping. Character A had NO idea B was drugged, and was completely convinced that they were consenting; Character B also didn't know at the time, as the whole team was drugged on accident. Nobody finds out about the drugging until the next episode; Character B later tearfully admits to another person that they hadn't wanted to engage in sex.
44:30-44:40 cutting finger off w noise
Ep 5…
17:03-17:19 cutting and bone popping
Ep 6…
52:42-55:40 cutting dead deer
Ep 8…
28:45-29:40 stitching someone’s gory mouth closed
Ep 10…
9:00-10:57 cutting off body parts
21:29-22:29 chopping up meat
Yes. At the end of the episode, a character wakes up to discover their hand has been violently injured in their sleep. The lighting is dark but it is relatively graphic.
Theme throughout episode one. There is graphic depiction of a girl falling into a spiky trap, being dragged, hung, and bled out, with ceremonial/ritualistic themes of cannibalism
Hallucination sequence at end of episode - girls are in the classroom and playing with slap bracelet. One gets it thrown around her neck and chokes. Pretty gruesome, shows lots of blood and her eyes bulging out, lasts about 30 seconds.
no but if leg injuries bother you, you may wish to skip/look away from the soccer scene in the first episode, as someone sustains a very graphic leg wound
Episode 3: Hanging 54 minutes in. Shown frequently in the end and for long periods of time. Once you see Misty trying to stop Natalie from approaching something, and you see Natalie explode with tears, that's when you should stop watching and skip ahead to another scene.
Multiple characters have to go through painful “medical procedures” while they’re stranded (i.e. cauterization, sutures) that could be seen as torturous. The experiences the Yellowjackets went through in the wilderness as a whole are also physically and psychologically torturous.
Though not necessarily mutilation there is eye trauma in episode 8 resulting in an eye bleeding and repeating imagery of a character who has no eyes that looks like they were removed violently
in universe, mostly teens sexualizing other teens. imo it’s shown more intensely than it needed to be. i think in one case an adult sexualizes a teenage (?) boy but i don’t remember it very clearly.
No, but a character that looses their leg says things about how he would have rather died. That self-hatred due to becoming disabled could maybe be triggering for some.
MAJOR SPOILER: There are two brothers and in early season 2 the younger brother is presumed dead but turns out to be alive. Later in the season the younger brother does actually die (and it is very sad)
*minor spoilers* The child of of the main characters destroys his doll for reasons that aren’t specified, but it’s implied that he does it because of some sort of psychosis.
At the end of episode 6, a character is drugged and kidnapped. We then see her wake up handcuffed to a bed as she is being held hostage. She continues to be held hostage through the next few episodes.
There’s a recurring theme of the “ghost” in the cabin they’re taking shelter in; A main character frequently sees the “ghost” of her friend (may not actually be a ghost and could just be due to trauma)
When Taissa enters the barn mid-episode - sort of played for laughs but still creepy scene with jumpy music. Another big one later in the episode when adult Lottie has a vision of Laura Lee
(SPOILERS) At the end of episode five, the characters attempt a seance and someone becomes “possessed”. It is ambiguous if the person is actually possessed.
There are beehives, but I can't remember if the honeycomb is ever seen. If you want to be safe, you'll know when to look away because the characters talk about the bees and you can hear them
Taking one for the team here, i’ll report any vomiting scenes as i watch.
There is a video of someone vomiting in the intro sequence. I just skip the intro entirely to avoid that
Episode 1 In the locker room after seeing the girls injury, a teammate says she’s going to throw up but she does not. other than that, episode one is safe.. not sure what the other person is referring to?
Episode 2 Someone vomits offscreen after viewing the coaches crushed leg. once you see them lifting the plane wing off of his leg then it’s ur que to skip or look away and cover your ears. Also someone gags after misty chops his leg off.
Episode 4 Travis throws up whilst digging up a grave.
Episode 5 At 43:35 coach throws up while sitting in a chair talking to the religious girl
Episode 8 5:12 girl spits out water when being resuscitated after drowning
The story revolves around a group of people, mostly teenaged girls, who are stranded in the wilderness and forced to engage in cannibalism to survive. So yes, people have been eaten, but only after they have already died. So far, no one has been eaten alive, which I’m assuming is the point of this category? Considering there was already a cannibalism category…?
in s1 coach has a bowel movement and misty is in front of him so he can stand up properly with his amputated leg, its dark and you dont see much
s2 misty and the musical girl are emptying the bucket where someone pooped in, they empty it over the edge of a cliff and you see stuff coming out, it looks a bit like mud, no close up.
Ep 4…
44:30-44:40 cutting finger off w noise,
54:20-54:38 graphically eating deer meat w sound
Ep 5…
17:03-17:19 cutting and bone popping
Ep 6…
52:42-55:40 dead dear and cutting deer
Ep 10…
9:00-10:57 cutting off body parts/ crunching
Maybe a tiny bit in season 1? There’s a very minor character who’s portrayed as an “honest” cop in the narrative but he pulls some strings to bail his highschool crush out of jail and later he passes her presumably classified information.
There is a hospital scene where an IV is present in the background, yet never explicitly shown besides a up-close clip of dripping blood in the tube. Look away as soon as you see blood on the mossy tree.
a group of teenage girls' periods have synced up and various characters discuss it and are seen holding/washing bloody fabric. one character fakes her period by dousing fabric in animal blood. a male character makes a few jokes on the topic but is either rebuffed or ignored.
There is a Character who was on medication for some unspecified psychiatric condition. When she gets off her medication she turns into a ring leader and leads other characters in acts of violence.
Possibly; will update as the show continues but Taissa seems to be developing a second, more "evil" personality. Whether this is legit possession or bad DID rep to be seen.
EDIT: From a recent interview with Taissa's actress, Tawny Cypress: "First of all, I want to make it very clear that I do not approach Other Tai as being a split personality or dissociative state… there’s no DID (dissociative identity disorder) going on here. I would never, and I don’t think the writers of the show would ever presume to know or to try and portray that on screen. What I’m doing would not be an accurate portrayal of DID."
One of main characters is unaware of their actions that occur when they sleepwalk and the audience is not clued in until the course of several episodes
Not really, but there is a scene where a character is panicking, looks directly into the camera and says "Why don't you hear him crying?" I don't know if it was an intentional fourth-wall break, but it could be a little unsettling.
S2E6 It is revealed towards the end of the episode that a baby is stillborn following placental abruption. You see the mother grieve and it’s pretty heartbreaking. You do not see the stillborn infant, he is covered by blankets.
Also, I feel like I should mention that the mother, while passed out from blood loss, has a prolonged nightmare. In it, she dreams that the baby is unable latch and he is starving to death. Once she is finally able to feed him, the nightmare culminates with her teammates drugging her tea and eating her baby. This baby-eating scene is fairly graphic. While you don’t necessarily see the infant being eaten, you do see blood on everyone’s faces, they’re chewing, and they’re all kinda huddled over something with bloody hands going to their mouths.
There's a pregnant teen who's stranded out in the woods. She tries to give herself an abortion but fails. This subplot is still fleshing out and could include a miscarriage at some point.
There is a creepy cop that seduces a teenage girl in order to manipulate her, knowing she is underage. The cop has faced no repercussions for his actions so far. (ConnieBlackwood's comment is incorrect about the evidence having been thrown out)
A couple brief full-frontals and women's chests are shown, and in one episode there is a sex-ed scene where a blurry but graphic video of a woman giving birth is playing in the background.
I can't think of what the other comment is referring to in the first episode (it was not either character's first time having sex with each other), but two characters lose their virginity in S1ep9.
lottie’s dad, mr matthews, is implied to have dementia or some other psychiatric disability that impedes his cognitive function. he is repeatedly taken advantage of and confused in order to have access to his home and to evidence.
a character plans to perform an abortion on herself with rudimentary equipment, a friend finds her and agrees to assist, but they do not go through with it due to not having the proper medical equipment, not due to any anti-abortion sentiments.
In Season One, a character almost drowns but is saved in a flashback. In Season Two, another character falls through thin ice and drowns while the other characters watch.
[SPOILERS] A man accidentally shoots himself in the head; other characters use a gun to kill animals for food, though they occasionally threaten each other with it
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