the protagonist and companions get violently choked several times during the game, although there is no lasting harm done, it is clearly visible on screen, with the characters suffering.
Yes, and Aloy can drown during them. There’s an option to increase visibility and remove the risk of drowning in the menu’s accessibility section but it’s impossible to remove underwater scenes entirely.
A character in the main storyline whose age is ambiguous but appears to be a teenager or young adult describes having been isolated and treated as an object.
The player can kill machines that resemble rams. These robots can also be ridden like horses. The horse-like robots from Zero Dawn are not present in Forbidden West.
Birds, rodents, rabbits, boars, foxes, mountain goats, lizards, fish, and shellfish can be hunted for resources to make food and supplies. Dead animals can occasionally be found in areas with toxic blighted plants.
No but some may consider the corruptors, metal devils, spectres and other machines to be spider-like.
In addition there is a creepy-looking device in the game used to store very important data that has spider-like features and is called "Recluse Spider"
Small non-detailed and non-hostile bugs are regularly on screen but not focused on. Non-hostile scorpions can be hunted for resources to make food and supplies. One type of robot the player fights is based on stag beetles. The Burning Shores DLC adds a robot that looks like a wasp.
A major antagonist is implied to have attempted grooming a major character, and seems intent on grooming the protagonist. There is no direct mention of pedophilia or things related to it, but if you have trauma related to it, it is likely to be a bit harmful.
The player has an oxygen meter while swimming underwater, and the player character is shown struggling and flailing when the meter is low and gasping for breath after surfacing. This no longer happens after the diving mask item is acquired. It can also be disabled in the accessibility settings.
A character dies from being crushed under a falling statue. A character in the Burning Shores DLC dies from being stepped on by a giant robot dinosaur. The corpse is not shown in either instance.
A stylized hologram and characters' reactions to an offscreen character imply body horror. Nothing is shown to the player or seen by the player character.
The player character can drown if the player runs out of oxygen while underwater. This no longer happens after the diving mask item is acquired. It can also be turned off in the accessibility settings.
Crunching noises in cutscenes and dialog references to broken limbs and cracked ribs. A character's arm is crushed in a cutscene, resulting in amputation.
A pair of sidequests involves helping a character who was blinded by an eye injury in a fight. It occurred offscreen and he is always shown wearing a blindfold.
The player character Aloy is still coping with the death of her adoptive father that occurred during the previous game, and it occasionally comes up in dialog. A pregnant character's partner is deceased. Various other mentions of parents being deceased.
Features ocean unlike the first game, which you must travel across to an island via boat in the main quest line. A few other side quests require you to travel to small islands near the center of it.
One sidequest involves helping a girl find her sister, who is strongly implied to be autistic, when she disappeared the morning after she lost her temper with her. The sister is safe and the incident was due to a miscommunication.
A character who loses an arm early in the game periodically talks about how it makes him feel. Characters who are clones occasionally struggle with their feelings about it. A non-detailed hologram schematic and dialog suggest that a person has undergone severe mutations, but it's not shown.
One or two characters make vague ableist comments towards an amputee character. One group has a culture which strongly values fighting ability and one side quest states that they consider it mercy to have disabled people die in a battle to the death against machines (an honourable death). In this side quest, a blind character is faced with the possibility of this happening, but you arrange for them to move away. In both cases ableism is portrayed negatively.
An optional set of collectible items are black boxes that can be retrieved from planes that crashed long ago. After collecting one, the player can listen to the audio it recorded from the cockpit. The audio recording will automatically start playing upon picking up the item (which is clearly indicated), but playback can be stopped at any time.
The player character can die by drowning if the oxygen meter runs out while swimming underwater before obtaining the diving mask. Drowning can be disabled in the accessibility settings.
Nothing during the game, but text logs can be found implying that a crater where a large arena was built was created by an accidental nuclear explosion in the distant past. A geothermal core melts down during a story mission, with no explosion.
Some robots have cannons that resemble oversized rifles and fire sci-fi projectiles, which can be picked up and wielded by the player. Some characters have weapons that fire energy blasts.
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