Leatherface breaks a man's wrist so bad that the bones are sticking out, and it's basically completely detached. It's SUPER graphic. He snaps it like it's a twig. And Leatherface chops Dante's throat and cheek with a meat cleaver one time, splitting his cheek completely open. He bleeds out slowly, but gets up and starts walking out of the building. Richter catches up to him and holds his hand as Dante dies. Richter then goes into the house, and his head is bludgeoned with a sledgehammer. His hit repeatedly until the back of his skull is completely caved in. Then, Leatherface starts sawing everyone in the bus into pieces. In other words; it's brutal. Mass-carnage
Leatherface breaks a man's wrist so that the bone is sticking out, and it's basically just attached by some skin, and proceeds to stab the man in the throat repeatedly, with said bone. And Dante's throat was chopped once with a meat cleaver
there is a short sequence in the beginning, when the lady gets escorted outside by the police. You can see and hear it, but it's very quick. And later on in the ambulance you can see a little bit of it on her face.
Leatherface breaks a man's wrist so bad that the bones are sticking out, and it's basically completely detached. It's SUPER graphic. He snaps it like it's a twig
I feel like it's important to mention that one character has PTSD due to a school shooting, there's few flashbacks and they don't show more than her just laying on the ground but anyone triggered by that stuff probably should stay away from this one.
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