Young police officer Danny (Joseph Almani) is working on an antique car at his uncle’s remote ranch when a major earthquake hits, pinning him under the vehicle and leaving him bloodied, alone, and with no way to call for help. Just when he thinks the claustrophobic nightmare can’t get any worse, something truly horrifying emerges from the fissures in the ground, forcing Danny to engage in a brutal fight for his life—and his sanity.
Around the 30:30 mark when you see Cash begin to sniff near the corner of a structure, you're going to hear some awful sounds (around 30:45) while the camera is focused on the hottie. You then see Cash's remains at 32:40 and again at 32:55. More is revealed of his body at 33:10 where you will also see something underneath the fur begin to move/crawl. The police officer on scene then lifts the fur and skin with a stick to reveal pulsating pockets of... IDK, ooze.