The slasher film is set at an LGBTQIA+ conversion camp where the campers work together to protect themselves. But when a mysterious killer starts claiming victims, things get even more dangerous.
This movie contains 55 potentially triggering events.
No, but in the first minute a character is listening to a true crime podcast that describes a decomposing dead body and it says the word m**got, and if you’re like me that word alone is a trigger
A trans (mtf) character is forced to stay in a male-only cabin and wear masculine clothing. The character is also referred to as her deadname and called “he”
There are several scenes which, while they don't take place in "a mental institution," mirror the abusive practices of those kinds of places, and would definitely be triggering to anyone that has a history with that kind of medical abuse.
Not a man, since Jordan is nonbinary, but they are shown wearing Alexandra's dress. Whistler tries to make a comment about it, but is quickly shut down.
Alexandra is intentionally deadnamed and frequently misgendered after being outed. Jordan is mocked for using they/them pronouns but is unbothered and often misgenders the aggressor back.
Two girls on the docks, most parts are covered. Two boys in the lake, much more graphic and partial nudity is seen. A man and woman in bed, only humping with clothes on.
Rifles are used on a shooting range to hit targets in three scenes (49:42, 53:40, 1:00:00). A shotgun is loaded at 1:29:25 but never fired. People are threatened with both but no one is ever shot.
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