Just want to add something about the werewolves since that other comment mentioned them! The werewolves do not resemble dogs. They look a lot more humanoid.
The Hackett family is dysfunctional. The Hackett parents are shown to be very controlling of their adult children. The mother verbally berates one of her sons. Another son who, implied due to war injury, becomes mentally ill, turning him very obedient to his parents.
A character is implied to use drugs via another character asking if a pungent smelling jar belongs to him, him referring to a cabinet of drugs as "nothing fun", and him saying "Ooh, fun!" when offered painkillers by another character. However, it is only implied and easy to ignore.
People are restrained and imprisoned in several scenes, kept in police cells and/or chained with manacles. Later on people are kept in small individual cages with electrified bars and treated cruelly. In a flashback a child is kept in a cage as part of a 'freak show'.
There’s a scene in which a character struggles to free themself from another character’s grip - dialogue is meant to have implications of sexual violence. Could be triggering.
*spoilers* When a group survivors take shelter inside a building, one of them turns into a werewolf. If the player doesn't shoot him, the werewolf will violently decapitate another character with a closeup of the decapitated head shown afterward.
(possible spoilers) A character's hand is amputated with a chainsaw to prevent an infection spreading and the camera zooms in on this. It's bloody but the character survives and is fine after
At least two characters' heads can be blasted up close with guns. Very gory remains of their faces/heads shown afterward. Also, a character can die by getting their head caught in a bear trap.
A character gets their leg stuck in a bear trap, but the tendon is fine, considering he can still walk on his leg later on. Could still be triggering, though
A character loses an eye and is quite gory; they linger on the scenes for more than a few seconds. In the pause menu while playing the character who loses an eye; their character will be updated to reflect this and you can see the eye gore.
Two characters are kidnapped by a police officer in the opening sequence. Several characters are kidnapped by a family of hunters throughout the course of the game.
There's a bisexual character who can choose to kiss two different people (one of which can dislike it if he kisses the other), but he isn't in a relationship with either of them.
An antagonist fits a stereotype of many autistic characters; quiet and physically brutish, and in a late-game sequence in which the character has more lines, he is painted as "stupid", accompanied with repeated ridicule and jokes made at the expense of his intelligence.
A minor character uses chewing tobacco which sometimes results in audible chewing and lip-smacking sounds.
There is an optional scene in which a character makes a high-pitched whining/humming sound in an attempt to create a distraction.
When the cop is interrogating the player they describe the scenario they're in as "Grade-A, Double Prime, Go ahead and Kill yourself, cosmic type shit". I did not find this triggering but I felt a warning was needed!
Many characters are insulted for their intelligence during the game. One character is portrayed with mental disabilities and is insulted by his family.
There are 2 queer main characters who can potentially die if you make a decision that gets them killed but this is exactly the same as the other non queer characters
Rather stereotypical portrayal of Romani people. The G-slur is used to describe them by several characters. You can find tarot cards throughout the game that help the player get hints from a woman who then reads the cards.
It's notable that the kiss between the two guys is more concealed/shot from afar versus the close-up kiss between m/f couples.
Nick, a person of color although sort of white-passing, seems to be the only werewolf-infected character to act predatory toward a female character. While Max only became physically aggressive and cursed as he was transforming.
Characters in underwear are the nudest you'll see in the game. *Spoiler* If the werewolves die or survive, their naked human form is seen but nothing is explicitly shown.
Disappointingly not. Underwhelming credits in general. There are no credits where people get interrogated or something à la Until Dawn or even SMG's Dark Pictures Anthology.
During a car crash in the opening scene, the tires loudly screech when the car stops rolling down a hill. A crane horn can be blasted at two different instances in a late-game sequence.
There are multiple unavoidable scenes where guns are fired at monsters, where characters struggle for control of a gun, or where guns are used for intimidation. The player will often be given the option to shoot various threats, including humans. There are also multiple possible instances of death by head-shot.
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