Ep3 -29 mins montage of people in red mist, someone is trying to cover for their partner. In a later episode, someone mentions a friend of theirs suffered home abuse.
Nearly every episode has flashbacks to El's childhood locked in the lab, with physical violence shown in detail and implications of heavy emotional abuse. No mention or implication of any sexual abuse.
You see a bunny be tortured and killed using “mind powers” at the 1 hour 25 minute mark in episode 7. It’s pretty disturbing, I’d suggest skipping that bit.
There are no cat deaths in Season 4.
Episode 5, around 1:03:38, there is a taxidermied bobcat on display in the house. It is only shown for a few seconds. Skipping to 1:03:46 will let you go past it without missing anything important.
YES, in Episode 2 and Episode 4 - - - - Ep. 2 53:58 - 54:26 - Hopper's head is shaved by prison guards - - - - Ep. 4 38:20 – 38:36 – A man, who blinded himself by cutting is shown (the wounds are scarred but the scene is graphic nevertheless as the closeup appears suddenly, accompanied by chilling music) - - 50:30 – 58:00 – The same man is shown multiple times as he recalls a memory (since he’s narrating the following scenes, it is possible to look away and not miss key elements of the story) - - If I remember correctly, he is briefly shown later on when his name falls during a conversation but I don't remember when
Two different characters are choked by supernatural elements wrapping around their necks, causing them to audibly struggling to breathe. One has lingering scars on his neck from the choking for the rest of the episode.
Ep1 - About 1:10:00, Chrissy appears to have an absent seizure. SPOILER Later we understand these happen when Lord Vecna possesses people, so they happen frequently throughout the show.
Episode 2 around 42 minutes Chrissy's body is shown in the morgue. Her fingers are all snapped and bent out of shape. At around 1hour 11 minutes Fred is lifted into the air and starts having his bones broken. His fingers are shown briefly being snapped.
Yes, in Episode 4 and Episode 7 (not too extreme in my opinion) - Ep. 4 38:20 - 38:36 - A man, who blinded himself by cutting turns towards the camera suddenly, accompanied by chilling music - - - - Ep. 9 1:01:19 - A Demogorgon suddenly emerges from a black screen, jumping at people waiting for it
From the Stranger Things page, someone put the following following season 4 warnings: "SEASON FOUR WARNINGS!!! - ep1 - NOT SAFE! at 33 minutes, max is in the toilet and chrissy vomits, you can hear it and you see her over the toilet, no visual - - ep2 - NOT SAFE! lucas vomits in the toilet at between 9 and 10 minutes, right after you see the benny's burgers sign, with visual - - ep3 - SAFE! at 26 minutes, for a brief moment we see the same scene of chrissy from ep1, this time we only see her kneeling near a toilet, no audio or visual - - ep4 - SAFE! - - ep5 - SAFE! - - ep6 - SAFE! - - ep7 - SAFE! at 1 hour and 16 minutes, nancy gets closer to a body, which has slimy stuff coming out of her mouth, which can trigger some people - SEE YOU WHEN VOLUME 2 COMES OUT JULY 1ST!!!"
YES, in Episode 6 and Episode 7 - - - - Ep. 6 59:00 - 1:00:00 - A young man is shown being electrocuted as a punishment - - - - Ep. 7 24:15 - 26:00 - A boy is electrocuted with a shock collar to punish him/get him to give information
needles are used to tattoo a young eleven and henry, nancy is seen almost being given a tattoo by vecna in a violent way. sryinges are used to drug eleven frequently during the nina lab arc
In the cold open of the season, it seems to compare 11 to being a mentally ill school shooter. (My own interpretation, but it felt glaring). In Ep3 and 4, a person accused of killing their family is misdiagnosed schizophrenic and placed in an asylum.
No one is in canon Autistic, but the series can be incredibly hard for Autistic viewers (it was for myself) because most of the characters are perceived as "weird", and they face a huge amount of bullying for it, particularly 11. Ex. Ep1, El does a class presentation and is bullied for being asocial/essentially having a developmental delay. BIG WARNING: El's upbringing is also strongly reminiscent of ABA abuse, and in Ep7 about 24 min mark an electroshock collar is put on a child, as the JRC does to Autistic kids. Multiple Autistic-coded characters are characterized as school shooters and one has a very triggering manifesto related to the autistic experience. END OF BIG WARNING. Robin is also coded as autistic in this season and is treated poorly by other characters (mentions specifically she has trouble with social cues, had a developmental delay, has dyspraxia). In Ep 6 about 50min mark Hopper calls a man and his son "slow" to start a fight.
when eleven is back in the rainbow room she can be seen panicking, pacing and screaming as the room has been hallucinated into a constant loop (everytime she tries to leave the room the exit leads back into the room), particularly in episode 5
victor creel and max are implied to self harm and have suicidal thoughts and express wishes to die, they do not die at all in the show. victor's self harm is shown on screen as he is blinded by the cuts in his eyes.
Ep4 53 min mark then again at 56 - it's in a nightmare flashback, still very disturbing. (Description next -> a cradle is seen lit on fire with a cry coming from inside)
Ep4 53 min mark then again at 56 - a baby is hurt in a nightmare flashback, still very disturbing. (Description next -> a cradle is seen lit on fire with a cry coming from inside)
At the very end of the show, we see childbirth from the point of view of the child. It is not graphic and is partly obscured, but the sounds of labor can be heard.
Episodes 1 and 2: El isn't technically disabled, but she's academically and socially delayed due to her upbringing. She's repeatedly bullied for it by classmates.
The prison scenes were shot in a Lithuanian jail that aided in the Holocaust. This is not shown nor understood in the show, but is something to keep in mind if you do not want to support shows that do things like this.
Murray jokes about being a regular little housewife whilst he wears a feminine apron to cook risotto for the kids after the rink o mania incident, more leans into the fact that Murray is cooking and being hospitable rather than the apron
no, but s4 part 2 ep2, lucas is threatened by with a gun and told to empty his pockets by a white man, and erica is tackled and held down by a white man and threatened verbally while she struggles
citizens of hawkins are displaced by the 'earthquake' in episode 9 and are seen gathering in a school gym for aid, sleeping on hard floors and folded out plastic beds
there is an extended scene where someone has a paranormally-aided flashback to a car crash they caused, and it is very triggering. you do not see the action of crashing, but you do see the wreck burning for an extended period of time
in The Dive, half the episode takes place at lovers lake. one of jasons groupies, Patrick, is vecnafied and floats above the lake. he then dies and drops into the lake and his body isn't successfully recovered. he doesn't technically drown but his dead body is left in the lake.
The scene with gun violence is season 4 episode 1 and starts at minute 6 (00:06:00) and ends completely at minute 8:52 (00:08:52)
season 4 episode 4 starts at 4 minute 40:33 (00:40:33) and ends at minute 42 (00:42:00)
season 4 episode 5 starts at 1 hour and 40 seconds (01:00:40) and ends at 1 hour and 52 seconds (01:00:52)
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