In Season 2 Episode 4: A puppy chews open a prescription of Adderall and gets sick but is rushed to a vet and survives. You see the puppy is fine a few scenes later.
Deborah is a very rough mom and is often verbally abusive as well as neglectful. It’s not to an abhorrent degree by any means but it’s worth mentioning.
an employee makes advances towards her boss, which is largely played for laughs. he says that he is “in a me too situation” with her and that he is “the me”
I don’t think the show itself means to represent autism in a bad way. DJ (Deborah’s daughter) had a failed essential oil business and there’s a joke where she says, “I didn’t say they would cure ALL autism!”
It’s more to make DJ look stupid than it is actually making fun of autism.
At the end of episode 3, Deborah catches a fish and then unhooks and releases it. Some may not consider fishing abuse but I thought I'd mention it for those that do. It didn't look like a real fish.