A mysterious virus hits an isolated elementary school, transforming the kids into a feral swarm of mass savages. An unlikely hero must lead a motley band of teachers in the fight of their lives.
This movie contains 37 potentially triggering events.
Main character hasn’t talked to romantic interest in 15 years, moved back home and got a job at the school she works at just to see her again. Implied stalking.
A character named Rick, the crossing guard, is seen eating shrooms in his van. He also supplies the main characters with adderall and ritalin to knock out some of the zombie children.
In the opening scene, a chicken's neck is snapped (on screen). In addition, it doesn't show them dying, but it also displays many other dead chickens. It also shows feathers being plucked, maggots on the dead chickens, some graphic gore/blood, and them being ground into nuggets.
Near the end, Wade Johnson sprays gasoline all over a playplace filled with the zombie kids and he and Clint Hadson trap them in, Wade lights a match, and drops it in the gasoline, starting a fire and burning down the playplace and all the zombie kids inside.
Wade Johnson has to bash in a zombie kid's head with a fire extinguisher because it's attacking Doug - the kid is off-screen, but you see the blood and hear it.
When the policeman comes after Rebekkah Halverson sets off her alarm, he's talking to the zombie children and puts his hand on the fence, resulting in two of his fingers being bitten off by one of the kids.
There's a couple, but it's mostly just sudden noises rather than full-on jumpscares (this movie is much more of a sick you out kind of movie, rather than a scare you one). The most major one off the top of my head (I'll edit this when I watch again), is when Clint Hadson and Lucy McCormick are crawling through a vent, and a zombie kid jumps onto the vent suddenly.
Minor spoilers !! 1 it’s a zombie movie 2 one of the characters do shrooms and have hallucinations although most of what is shown what he sees is real besides a talking giraffe
Kinda, doug is autistic and is called creepy, but also the writing for doug is mainly autistic traits but a few comments he makes can be interpreted as creepy outside of being autistic so it’s a little hard to tell
This movie is basically almost all gore and blood, it's very heavy throughout the movie. Though the gore is mostly related to adults dying via the zombie kids, there are a couple scenes where the gore is related to the children (the truck scene/auditorium scene mostly, otherwise it is off-screen).