Set in a 19th-century european village, this stop-motion animation feature follows the story of Victor, a young man whisked away to the underworld and wed to a mysterious corpse bride, while his real bride Victoria waits bereft in the land of the living.
This movie contains 38 potentially triggering events.
Scraps, the main character’s dog, has died in the real world. When he finds him again in the afterlife, he’s all bones. But he’s happy and behaves like a normal dog
i dont know if it entirely counts, but after victoria finds out victor has married a corpse, she attempts to tell her parents and the priest, but they all call her insane and say she’s lost her mind
we don’t see exactly what happens but the main character is in the land of the living and then wakes up in the land of the dead and is said to have fainted
No parents are explicitly stated to have died. However, (spoiler) there is a scene where Victor's parents go looking for him while riding in a carriage, and the carriage's driver dies; they don't notice this, and aren't seen in the movie after this, so it is possible that they died offscreen.
(SPOILERS!!!) when the lord goes to stab victor, but emily defends him, there is a kind of squelching noise when he stabs her, but it’s not awful and it only lasts a second
Victor's mother can't fit into the carriage so they push her bottom to make her fit. She insists it's not her and that her dress is just caught. It's depicted as a humourous scene.