Based on actual events from Hurricane Katrina. When the floodwaters rose, power failed, and heat soared, exhausted caregivers at a New Orleans hospital were forced to make profound, heart-wrenching decisions.
This tv show contains 12 potentially triggering events.
Spoilers but this covers all dog death, and discussion of euthanizing dogs.
Episode 4: Skip from about min 35-38 in episode four, they talk about euthanizing animals (dogs) and a dog is on screen sleeping but otherwise okay. No actual euthanasia until episode 5.
Episode 5: starts with them talking about euthanizing pets @ 9:28 for 30 seconds. 18:50-22:13 they talk euthanizing again. 25:31-27:00 you see the aftermath of all the cats and dogs that were euthanized, then it shifts to watching a dog being put down. At min 36 a euthanized dog is shown followed by the revelation that the dogs could have been evacuated on the boats.
At 36 minutes in episode 4 they start mentioning that no animals will be allowed to evacuate, they show a dog as a couple hears they may have to leave him behind but that doesn’t happen as of episode 4
you hear gun shuts in the city. you see a scene where a security officer shoots a gun into the air to people who are trying to seek salvage at the hospital
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Episode 4: Skip from about min 35-38 in episode four, they talk about euthanizing animals (dogs) and a dog is on screen sleeping but otherwise okay. No actual euthanasia until episode 5.
Episode 5: starts with them talking about euthanizing pets @ 9:28 for 30 seconds. 18:50-22:13 they talk euthanizing again. 25:31-27:00 you see the aftermath of all the cats and dogs that were euthanized, then it shifts to watching a dog being put down. At min 36 a euthanized dog is shown followed by the revelation that the dogs could have been evacuated on the boats.