Various townspeople downplay Laurie’s experiences with Michael and blame her for the violence he committed. Their trying to convince Laurie that their trauma was her fault is gaslighting.
Pretty graphic murder and mutilation. Heads are crushed, a man's tongue is cut out, a character is stabbed through multiple limbs and rips his own hand apart to escape, a blow torch is used on someone's face.
Multiple stabbings. A gunshot wound to the head. Heads bashed into counters and walls multiple times. A tongue is cut out with scissors. A blowtorch to the face. Smashing a head by stepping on it. A child falls from a height and dies in a bloody heap.
I tried to my research but can’t say for certain but there’s black woman in a wheelchair that shows up when Laurie exits the supermarket. She could potentially be able-bodied.
Several times, typical for the franchise. A character will pop out, usually during a scene with poor lighting, and there is an accompanying jolt of music.
laurie calls 911 for her own suicide and holds a gun to her head. she shoots it off screen so for a brief moment you think she shot herself, but she actually shot a pumpkin instead. she doesn’t technically attempt it but it’s suggestive
A child falls off a stairwell and becomes a bloody paste, someone gets a blowtorch to the mouth, a girl gets her head stomped in and run over, a DJ gets his head smashed in and his tongue cut off,. A person is also thrown into a trash compactor.