A rebellious teenage boy embarks on a gutsy crusade to stop the terrifying evil he suspects has possessed his neighbor in this bone-chilling occult thriller.
This movie contains 42 potentially triggering events.
A dog is shot at point blank range, and we hear the dog yelp. Totally unnecessary. I'm glad to see from other comments that the dog lived. I wouldn't know because I mostly turn off the movie when an animal is shot for very little reason. And its almost always very little reason.
It's not gaslighting as it is not manipulation. The dad doesn't believe the son and there are accusations that the son is mentally ill, but this is perfectly reasonable in this situation, and this isn't done in a manipulative way.
Teenage boy is accused of being on drugs when he tried to tell people what is going on. It also part of his background to have an addiction. No drugs are actually taken during the film.
Flashing police lights in two back-to-back scenes. Starts in the next scene after one character cuts another character with a knife. No actual strobe effects used.
A teen takes off another teen's shorts underwater. Sex scene with two adults through a window and later closer up on a character's back. Two characters are shown naked from behind only.