the titular dog, gonker, does not die. there is a scene where gonker has to go to the vet and he is diagnosed with addison’s disease. another dog, oji, is implied to have died in a car accident but the death is not shown.
Yes, the neglect of the rich white christian (presumably) american cop loving family has led to the wistfulness of their child to care for his dog who he then abuses in neglect out in the woods.
No, there is no abandonment. The mother had a rough childhood with strict, unfeeling parents shown in flashbacks about her childhood dog, but there's no abandonment, abuse or neglect.
the mother is shown to have a strained relationship with her parents as a child. when her dog dies, her parents are dismissive and her mother tells her to cheer up. this is shown to have a traumatic impact on her character. i would consider this to be emotional abuse.
the dog is made to wear an electric collar. he is zapped once and the collar is not used again. the mother’s childhood dog is also made to sleep outside in the snow, but he is allowed inside and he is given a blanket.
the titular dog, gonker, does not die. there is a scene where gonker has to go to the vet and he is diagnosed with addison’s disease. another dog, oji, is implied to have died in a car accident but the death is not shown.
not electro therapy, but in one scene, the dog, gonker, is made to wear an electric shock collar. the dog chases a fox and is zapped. the collar is removed and it is not used again.
Fielding is in the hospital at the end of the movie but it’s nothing sad or triggering SPOILERS: his parents bring Gonker to him in the hospital and it’s a happy scene
disordered eating. fielding is diagnosed with ulcerative colitis at the end of the movie. there is emphasis placed on the fact that fielding does not eat for the duration of the movie, due to illness and or stress.
the dog, gonker, runs off and is lost for a long duration of the movie. i wouldn’t consider this triggering due to the fact that the subject is non human.
the main character’s mother recalls her childhood at various moments in the movie. her dog, oji, is implied to have been hit and killed in a car accident.
the main character, fielding, is heard sputtering at night and is then shown coughing up blood in the bathroom. he is later diagnosed with ulcerative colitis.