During a stormy night in the Scottish Highlands, two criminal brothers on the run seek refuge in a desolate farmhouse. But after taking the resident family captive, they find the house holds even darker secrets of its own.
This movie contains 60 potentially triggering events.
There is surgery at the beginning. (SPOILER) A woman is mutilated/limbs cut off, there is threat of gory violence and there are bloody injuries throughout
this is a major plot point. they never verbally confirm that he's autistic but it's obvious that he is, and he's abused throughout the film by multiple people. he also discusses more ways he's been abused and people he'd been abused by in the past, and is clearly traumatised
an autistic character is repeatedly abused and bullied on screen, he also discusses past abuse including a forced stay in a psych unit and there's generally a lot of ableism in the way he's treated
the first person to die on screen is a Black character. there are other characters who are said to have died beforehand as part of the backstory, but the Black guy is the first death we actually see
sort of bittersweet? MAJOR SPOILER// the kidnapped girl escapes, but the kidnapper gets away with it and tortures jack (who had tried to help the girl) in the same way she had tortured the girl's real mother
major plot point, crash itself isnt seen but the aftermath is shown in detail multiple times, people are injured in the crash including one fatality. there's also mention of a previous car crash which isnt shown on screen but is discussed in detail, including multiple fatalities, two of which were young children