Groundbreaking director Mamoru Oshii continues to push the boundaries of art and anime with this universally acclaimed cyber thriller following cyborg detective Batou as he tries to unravel the reasons for a murderous robot revolt in the year 2032. A quest for a killer that becomes a mind bending search for the meaning of life.
This movie contains 1 potentially triggering events.
Yes and no? There's a scene where people are holding a festival and at the end of the scene you see a group throwing robots into a fire. There's a lingering shot of one of the robot's human like heads burning in the fire and the hair being burned.
Near the end of the movie you see that children were taken and forced to have their minds put into the sex robots. You only see one child when they are saved and nothing happens, it just provides context to the robots.
multiple robot jumpscares, if i recall correctly they are all in the second half of the film. if you notice time repeating take that as a warning there will soon be jumpscares.