A crew from a paranormal reality television show lock themselves in a haunted psychiatric hospital. They search for evidence of paranormal activity as they shoot what ends up becoming their final episode.
This movie contains 57 potentially triggering events.
A man indicates a destroyed room with things laying around and says that it "looks like the living room after a fight with his girl" and then moves on.
Few medical scenes where a doctor preforms a Lobotomy but no other tools or procedures are really completed. The second movie has a electo therapy that does go wrong and light a man on fire.
I would say no with a strong caveat, the movie takes place in an abandoned asylum and several of the ghosts are of past patients, but the emphasis generally seems to be that they're violent because they're ghosts not because they may have been mentally ill in life, I would still proceed with caution if this is something you're sensitive to though
The entirety of the film is surrounded by themes of mental illness. It's basically up for interpretation whether the characters are experiencing something supernatural or being mentally manipulated. While it's unclear whether the characters are experiencing these conditions, it could be perceived as such.
Reality is extremely messed up and confusing. Things happen that make the characters doubt reality. For example, they go through a door expecting it to lead outside, only for it to be just another hallway, and it freaks them out. They also freak out over the sun not having risen an hour after it was meant to. This type of thing happens frequently and it makes the characters question their sanity.
One of the ghosts/patients commits in a bathtub, there's discussion and visuals of it. A person also falls to their death, but it doesn't seem like they were lucid enough to understand what they were doing.
In the sense that characters talk directly to the camera/audience, as though this is real found footage. They don't break the fourth wall in acknowledging that this is a movie.
Along with using the r-word as a slur, they are also filming in a mental institution and refer to stories heard in the set up and events throughout as being insane, crazy, etc., not in particularly offensive ways but not really tactful either.
Homophobic insults are used towards a character who dies but it seems more to be meant as an insult to the theater industry than implying the character is actually LGBT
yes. there is a bath tub full of blood that tips and gets everywhere and near the end, a character coughs up large amounts of blood. later, a character smashes a rat and eats it