Chapter 32: Flashback to a boy forgetting about his pet rabbit for two weeks. It's pretty graphic.
Same chapter, a man hits a rat twice with a metal pole.
Chickens and a pig are slaughtered for food.
Near the begining of chapter 5: A rat is eating a dead white cat in a trash can. It is fairly graphic. It's mentioned several times.
Chapter 42: It is mentioned that a man killed kittens.
Near the begining of chapter 5: A rat is eating a dead white cat in a trash can. It is fairly graphic. It's mentioned several times.
Chapter 32: Flashback to a boy forgetting about his pet rabbit for two weeks. It's pretty graphic.
Chapter 45 (I think): Chickens and a pig are slaughtered for food, and a weasel is killed in a flashback.
Chapter 32: Flashback to a boy forgetting about his pet rabbit for two weeks. It's pretty graphic.
Before that, because so many people were sick, dying, or dead, pets and zoo animals were abandoned, wandering, dying, and dead. Cats and birds are immune to the disease.
A father wants "beat the living shit out" of his kids. He also thinks about breaking their arms. Someone's mother sounds like an absolute narcissist, who constantly emotionally abuses her child, even into adulthood.
A deaf and mute young man is bullied about his deaf-muteness. He's even brutally beaten.
Chapted 34: A man suffers from a delusional disorder and is homeless. He recalls being bullied for it.
Chapter 11: A very racist description of Japanese people. There were other things before, but I forgot to write them down.
There are some pretty strange descriptions of black people too. Definitely racist sounding.
Chapter 42: Mexicans are referred to as a slur.
The "N word" is said many, many times throughout.
There are many racist, ableist, misogynistic things in this book. When this was written, the author clearly thinks of anyone who isn't a white male as an other he is not at all familiar with and views as his lessers whether he realises it or not. Everyone is written that way.
People are essentially going mad with fever and despair.
Chapted 34: A man suffers from a delusional disorder and is homeless. He recalls being bullied for it, and committed.
King tends to represent all minorities poorly, especially black people. This book is no exception. It might be a shining example actually. No pun intended.
Anyone who is not a white, able-bodied male is written poorly.
At least twice by chapter 3. Twice more in chapter 5. By chapter 23, I've lost track of how many times it's been said. It's a lot. Hundreds maybe. Apparently, this is common in most of Stephen King's books.